Knihy autora Daniel Kalder

Našli sme 2 titulov

Dictator Literature

Dictator Literature

Daniel Kalder, Oneworld (2019)
A History of Bad Books by Terrible People

‘The writer is the engineer of the human soul,’ claimed Stalin. Although one wonders how many found nourishment in Turkmenbashi’s Book of the Soul (once required reading for driving tests in Turkmenistan), not to mention Stalin’s own poetry... Zobraziť viac

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Dictator Literature

Dictator Literature

Kalder Daniel, Oneworld (2018)
A History of Despots Through Their Writing

Literacy, long upheld as a standard bearer for progress, is not always a force for good. Had Stalin's mother never sent him to the seminary he never would have learned to read and so never discovered the works of Marx or Lenin... Zobraziť viac

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