Anglicko-česká zrcadlová četba pro mírně pokročilé. Velký Gatsby je nejslavnějším románem Francise Scotta Fitzgeralda. Příběh se odehrává v New Yorku 20. let minulého století, kdy nečekaná hospodářská prosperita přinesla i ztrátu morálních hodnot... Zobraziť viac
Anglicko-česká zrcadlová četba pro mírně pokročilé. Velký Gatsby je nejslavnějším románem Francise Scotta Fitzgeralda. Příběh se odehrává v New Yorku 20. let minulého století, kdy nečekaná hospodářská prosperita přinesla i ztrátu morálních hodnot... Zobraziť viac
rom the author of The Great Gatsby, a tale of marriage and disappointment in the Roaring Twenties. Fitzgerald’s rich and detailed novel of the decadent Jazz Era follows the beautiful and vibrant Anthony Patch and his wife ... Zobraziť viac
Three of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novels of the Jazz Age in one volume. F. Scott Fitzgerald's stories are emblematic of the Lost Generation, which came of age in the years following World War I. Along with The Great Gatsby—Fitzgerald's most... Zobraziť viac
No writer portrayed America's Roaring Twenties as vividly as F. Scott Fitzgerald. In his effervescent tales of elegant ingenues on the prowl for husbands, Ivy League heirs en route to futures of idle entitlement, and endless alcohol-fueled ... Zobraziť viac
While F. Scott Fitzgerald was writing the novels we remember him for today, he was also publishing short stories in popular magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post and Esquire... Zobraziť viac
Set on the French Riviera in the 1920s, American Dick Diver and his wife Nicole are the epitome of chic, living a glamorous lifestyle and entertaining friends at their villa. Young film star Rosemary Hoyt arrives in France and ... Zobraziť viac
In these eleven stories, Fitzgerald depicts the Roaring Twenties as he lived them. He masterfully blends accounts of flappers and the smart set with more fantastical visions of America, always imbuing his ... Zobraziť viac
The Love Stories Collection of six stories explores a variety of perspectives on the themes of love over the last century, from a maid jilted by her social-climbing boyfriend to a bored housewife who is looking for something extra in her life... Zobraziť viac