Gordon Comstock je mladý spisovatel, který pohrdá „bohem peněz“ a jeho nadvládou nad celou meziválečnou anglickou společností. Odmítne proto práci v reklamní agentuře a nechá se zaměstnat v malém knihkupectví. Výsledkem je však pocit, že... Zobraziť viac
Román 1984 je jedno z najznámejších diel svetovej literatúry. Spája v sebe prvky spoločensko-politického a vedecko-fantastického románu... Zobraziť viac
Autor (vl. Menom Eric Arthur Blair) sa preslávil ako prozaik a esejista. Jeho román <i>Barmské dni</i> (1934) je príbehom citlivého osamelého úradníčka, ktorý sa usiluje vymaniť zo šovinistického prostredia... Zobraziť viac
Z angličtiny přeložila Jana Middleton Zobraziť viac
The animals at Manor Farm have had enough of Farmer Jones – he’s drunk, reckless and cares little for their welfare. When the boar, Old Major, shares his revolutionary plans, the animals are convinced they can thrive on their own once... Zobraziť viac
Penguin Books Ltd - Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites th Zobraziť viac
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. The year is 1984, and life in Oceania is ruled by the Party. Under the gaze of Big Brother, Winston Smith yearns for intimacy and love ... Zobraziť viac
The vivid, impassioned writings collected together in this powerful volume chronicle Orwell's first-hand experiences of life among the underclass of the 'two nations' of rich and poor... Zobraziť viac
THE AUTHORATITIVE TEXT 'You can live on a shilling a day in Paris if you know how. But it is a complicated business' As a struggling writer in his twenties, Orwell lived as a down-and-out among the poorest members of society... Zobraziť viac
Hidden away in the Record Department of the sprawling Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith skilfully rewrites the past to suit the needs of the Party. Yet he inwardly rebels against the totalitarian world he lives in, which demands absolute obedience and ... Zobraziť viac
Beginning with a dilemma about whether he spends more money on reading or smoking, this title explores entertaining essays that explore everything from the perils of second-hand bookshops to the dubious profession of being a critic, from freedom of the pr Zobraziť viac
Penguin Student Editions are complete unabridged texts of Penguin Classics, Modern Classics and some more recent titles, packaged with reading help for the student... Zobraziť viac