Spoznaj životný príbeh fenomenálneho basketbalistu, ktorý vyrastal ako chudobný chalan v meste Akron v Ohiu, ale vďaka podpore svojho okolia sa vypracoval na jedného z najväčších športovcov v histórii... Zobraziť viac
Přečti si, jak se z LeBrona Jamese stal basketbalový King James! Kluk z amerického Ohia začal nejdříve hrát fotbal, ale už na střední škole se svým týmem vyhrál titul „Mr. Basketball"... Zobraziť viac
Discover how to build your dream LEGO (R) cars. Be inspired by 30 awesome LEGO vehicles, from a speedy sports car and a yellow taxi to a monster truck and an ice-cream van... Zobraziť viac
Find a galaxy full of LEGO (R) Star Wars (TM) ideas to build - from activities and art, games and challenges, to practical makes and your very own inventions! LEGO (R) Star Wars (TM) Ideas Book features imaginative play and building ideas using your ... Zobraziť viac
Discover how to build your dream LEGO (R) houses. Be inspired by 30 incredible LEGO homes, from a cosy cottage and a modern apartment to a spooky haunted house and an underwater home... Zobraziť viac
Delve into the world of LEGO Harry Potter and be inspired to build your own magical creations with LEGO Harry Potter Ideas Book, packed full of model ideas and expert tips... Zobraziť viac
Get creative with this LEGO® book plus 150 bricks and sorting tray – and build and play your way through four fun-filled LEGO worlds... Zobraziť viac