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Knihy autora James Clavell

James Clavell bol britský spisovateľ, scenárista, filmový producent a režisér. Na strane britskej armády bojoval v Malajzii počas II. svetovej vojny, kde ho zajali. Zážitky z japonského zajateckého tábora ho inšpirovali k napísaniu prvého románu Potkan Kráľ. Napriek negatívnym skúsenostiam nezanevrel na japonskú kultúru, čo odráža aj knižný bestseller Šógun, ktorý sa dočkal seriálových spracovaní.
Porovnanie rozdielov medzi britskou a ázijskou kultúrou, východom a západom, sa stalo základom jeho ďalších románov, ktoré spolu tvoria takzvanú Ázijskú ságu. Istý čas žil v Hollywoode, kde sa preslávil aj ako scenárista. Podieľal sa na filmoch Mucha (The Fly) a Veľký útek (The Great Escape).
Našli sme 12 titulov



James Clavell, Hodder and Stoughton (1999)
A Novel of Japan

Hodder & Stoughton General Division - 'My bet for the most satisfyingly popular novel of the year . . . It has power, it has vio Zobraziť viac

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Tai Pan

Tai Pan

Number of pages: 736 Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 13 dní.

Noble House

Noble House

Hodder Paperbacks: Over one hundred years have passed since Dirk Struan founded Hong Kong’s oldest trading company.... Zobraziť viac

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James Clavell, (2009)

"A fabulous epic of the Far East that will disturb and excite you . . . a thrilling and enticing tale of adventure and human relationships . . . dramatic episodes, exotic vignettes and heady descriptive passages."-Baltimore SunIt is the early 19th... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 10 dní.

King Rat

King Rat

Number of pages: 480 Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 13 dní.



James Clavell, Hodder Paperback (1999)
The Sixth Novel of the Asian Saga

"Whirlwind" is the story of three weeks in Tehran in February 1979: three weeks of fanaticism, passion, self-sacrifice and heartbreak. Caught between the revolutionaries and the forces of international intrigue... Zobraziť viac

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It is 1862 and Japan is a land in chaos as the power of the Shogun wanes and the rival factions plan to restore the Emperor. In Yokohama, the gai-jin, the hated foreigners, seek to profit from the chaos. At the head of the Noble House - and... Zobraziť viac

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James Clavell, Bantam Press (1994)
Number of pages: 1248

From the author of Noble House comes a blockbuster national bestselling masterpiece of Shogun. Clavell sweeps readers back to Japan in the 1860s, where Malcolm Struan, he ir to the title of Tai-Pan meets a beautiful young French woman who will ... Zobraziť viac

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King Rat

King Rat

The time is World War II. The place is a brutal prison camp deep in Japanese-occupied territory. Here, within the seething mass of humanity, one man, an American corporal, seeks dominance over both captives and captors alike. His weapons are human... Zobraziť viac

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James Clavell, Bantam Press (2009)
This is James Clavell's tour-de-force; an epic saga of one Pilot-Major John Blackthorne, and his integration into the...

A bold English adventuer. An invincible Japanese warlord. A beautiful woman torn between two ways of life, two ways of love. All brought together in a mighty saga of a time and place aflame with conflict, passion, ... Zobraziť viac

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Noble House

Noble House

The setting is Hong Kong, 1963. The action spans scarcely more than a week, but these are days of high adventure... Zobraziť viac

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