Přichází dlouhá, tuhá a krutá zima. A neexistuje horší místo, kde zimu strávit, než je Anglezarke. Thomas Ward je učněm lovce duchů, který loví čarodějnice, spoutává strašidla a zahání duchy... Zobraziť viac
Zatímco se nebezpečí v Hrabství zvyšuje, Tom je vyslán svým mistrem daleko na sever, aby byl trénován jiným lovcem duchů, Billem Arkwrightem. Arkwright žije ve strašidelném mlýně na okraji zrádné mokřiny a jeho metody se ukáží být tvrdé... Zobraziť viac
Moc zla sílí, a jen jediný muž ji může zastavit. Tento muž však potřebuje učedníka. Tom Ward je sedmý syn sedmého syna, a byl vyvolen. Když ze svého vězení unikne jedna z nejzlomyslnějších čarodějnic na světě... Zobraziť viac
Moc zla sílí, a jen jediný muž ji může zastavit. Tento muž však potřebuje učedníka. Tom Ward je sedmý syn sedmého syna, a byl vyvolen. Když ze svého vězení unikne jedna z nejzlomyslnějších čarodějnic na světě... Zobraziť viac
Slither's Tale is the eleventh book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles - over 3 million copies sold... Zobraziť viac
For years, the local Spook has been keeping the County safe from evil. Now his time is coming to an end, but who will take over? Many apprentices have tried. Some floundered, some fled, some failed to stay alive. Just one boy is left... Zobraziť viac
The Spook's Destiny is the eighth book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles - over 3 million copies sold... Zobraziť viac
The Spook's Secret is the third book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles - over 3 million copies sold... Zobraziť viac
'It's a dangerous job, but someone has to do it.' For years, the local Spook kept the county safe from evil. But now his... Zobraziť viac
Over the years, Alice has fought evil side by side with the Spook and his apprentice, Thomas Ward. But now Alice is alone – in the realm of the dark. And the creatures she has helped to banish there, ... Zobraziť viac
Red Fox: The Spook's Curse is the second book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles – over 3 million... Zobraziť viac
Warning: Not to be read after dark...'I stood there, terrified. My master was about to die'. The County is facing dark days... Zobraziť viac
The Spook's Blood is the tenth book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles - over 3 million copies sold... Zobraziť viac
Red Fox: The Spook's Battle is the fourth book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles - over 3 million copies... Zobraziť viac
They heard shouting, and cries of fear. Crafty looked down the slope and realised what had happened to cause so much panic.... Zobraziť viac
Red Fox: The Spook's Apprentice is the first book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles – over 3... Zobraziť viac
Red Fox: The Spook's Mistake is the fifth book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles – over 3 million... Zobraziť viac
I Am Grimalkin is the ninth book in Joseph Delaney's terrifying Wardstone Chronicles - over 3 million copies sold worldwide!... Zobraziť viac
These were the words of Tom's Mam to the county Spook some years ago. As Tom, the Spook and their allies prepare to battle with the Fiend on a huge scale, to finally enact their revenge, it now remains to be seen whether Mam's ... Zobraziť viac