The New Oxford Progressive English Readers offer a great selection of classic novels and plays at six levels from renowned authors that have been abridged in the form of easy-to-read stories for children to enjoy... Zobraziť viac
Zdokonaľte si znalosť anglického jazyka nevšedným spôsobom! Dvojjazyčné spracovanie poviedok Marka Twaina - na ľavej strane... Zobraziť viac
One of the most popular books of all-time, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been both venerated and vilified since it was first published in 1885. The story of a young abused boy on the run and his friendship with a runaway slave is about... Zobraziť viac
These novels played a unique and lasting role in the development of American literature, and each one remains a beloved and widely read work of fiction. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn-arguably the great American novel... Zobraziť viac
Young readers might well see themselves in the selfish giant, based on Oscar Wilde’s classic, who doesn’t want to share his favourite possession. Through the story they see how our actions not only affect others, but can also boomerang back and... Zobraziť viac
On the banks of the Mississippi, Tom Sawyer and his friends seek out adventure at every turn. Then one fateful night they witness a murder. The boys swear never to reveal the secret and run away to be pirates and search for hidden treasure... Zobraziť viac
The Prince and the Poor Boy + downloadable mp3... Zobraziť viac
The classic tale of a young boy's adventures on the Mississippi in the nineteenth century. Mark Twain's classic The Adventures of Tom Sawyer has been enjoyed by generations of readers across the world since its publication in 1876. With its humorous... Zobraziť viac