Danny North od útlého dětství věděl, že se jeho rodina liší od těch ostatních, a že se on sám liší od svých příbuzných. Zatímco se jeho bratranci a sestřenice učili vytvářet věci, které obyčejní lidé nazývají vílami, duchy, golemy, trolly, vlkodlaky... Zobraziť viac
Jako vánoční dárek je tu pro všechny fanoušky Orsona Scotta Carda krátký román s Enderem ještě z dob výcviku na Bitevní... Zobraziť viac
První díl ságy o Alvinovi Tvůrci nás zavádí do Ameriky minulého století. Orson Scott Card nám elegantně, citlivě a s velkou... Zobraziť viac
Vědeckofantastický román, který můžeme doporučit všem milovníkům dobré literatury. Román nejen o zápasu pozemské civilizace... Zobraziť viac
Vykoupení Kryštofa Kolumba sice není nejznámějším Cardovým dílem, ale mnozí ho pokládají za jeho nejvyzrálejší a možná i... Zobraziť viac
Little, Brown Book Group: 'Haunting, compulsive, urgently readable...Story-telling genius' INTERZONE 'Certain to be one of... Zobraziť viac
At first, Ender believed that they would bring him back to Earth as soon as things quieted down. But things were quiet now, had been quiet for a year, and it was plain to him now that they would not bring him back at all, that he was much more ... Zobraziť viac
One planet. Three sapient species living peacefully together. And one deadly virus that could wipe out every world in the Starways Congress, killing billions... Zobraziť viac
The human race faces annihilation. An alien threat is on the horizon, ready to strike. And if humanity is to be defended, the government must create the greatest military commander in history... Zobraziť viac
Andrew ''Ender'' Wiggin is 6 years old, bullied, resented and alone. And he might be humanity's only hope. Ender is recruited to the International Fleet's child warriors in training, to fight in defense of the planet... Zobraziť viac
Lavishly illustrated throughout, this collection of novellas is Card writing at the height of his considerable powers about his most beloved character, Ender Wiggen. This collection also includes the unforgettable, Hugo Award-winning first novella, ... Zobraziť viac
One hundred years before Ender's Game, the aliens arrived on Earth with fire and death. This is the story of the First Formic War. Victor Delgado beat the alien ship to Earth, but just barely... Zobraziť viac
Orson Scott Card’s beloved classic Ender’s Game is now a major motion picture. Andrew “Ender” Wiggin thinks he is playing computer simulated war games; he is, in fact, engaged in something far more desperate... Zobraziť viac
Orbit: HUMANS THOUGHT THEY WERE ALONE IN THE GALAXY. UNTIL NOW. A hundred years before Ender's Game, humanity is slowly... Zobraziť viac
The series which tells the story of Ender's Game from a new angle. Zobraziť viac