Vianočný čas je nielen obdobím radosti a šťastia, ale aj záhad a zvláštnych udalostí. V Londýne sa pri pečení husi objaví vzácny drahokam. Vianočné predstavenie sa z pokojnej zábavy premení na šialenú klauniádu ... Zobraziť viac
Richard Austin Freeman (1862 – 1943), podobne ako jeho slávny spisovateľský predchodca sir Arthur Conan Doyle, bol pôvodným povolaním lekár. Svoje medicínske poznatky a metódy práce dokázal dobre zužitkovať aj vo svojej literárnej... Zobraziť viac
Na přelomu 19. a 20. století se Brit Richard Austin Freeman (1862-1943) stal autorem, s nímž se ve světě detektivní literatury počítalo, a představil nezapomenutelného Dr. Thorndykea, raného forenzního detektiva. Gentleman ... Zobraziť viac
Richard Austin Freeman (1862 – 1943), podobne ako jeho slávny spisovateľský predchodca sir Arthur Conan Doyle, bol pôvodným povolaním lekár. Svoje medicínske poznatky a metódy práce dokázal dobre zužitkovať aj vo svojej literárnej tvorbe: stal sa... Zobraziť viac
This luxurious hardback anthology brings together 15 classic ghost stories by some of the genre's most acclaimed writers, presented in a beautiful gift edition with gilded page edges... Zobraziť viac
A high-pitched laugh echoes in an empty church. Servants discover their master dead in his bed, the only sign of disturbance... Zobraziť viac
The art of telling a ghost story is a refined one, and Montague Rhodes James was a master of the genre. He draws the reader into a narrative that at first seems innocuous, but which becomes darker and darker... Zobraziť viac
Graded reading with texts adapted according to the level of knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical structures of the students... Zobraziť viac
With carefully adapted text, new illustrations, language practise activities and additional online resources, the Penguin Readers series introduces language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content... Zobraziť viac
Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Michael Cox`He flew out of his chair with deadly inconceivable terror clutching at his heart. The shape whose left hand rested on the table was rising to a standing posture behind his seat, its right hand... Zobraziť viac
Druhým svazkem Strašidelných spisů se završuje první úplné české vydání beletristického díla Montague R. Jamese, klíčové osobnosti moderní anglické strašidelné povídky... Zobraziť viac
M.R. James wrote his ghost stories to entertain friends on Christmas Eve, and they went on to both transform and modernise a genre.James harnesses the power of suggestion to move from a recognisable world to one that is indefinably strange, ... Zobraziť viac
A tree full of enormous spiders, a living thing with no face, a picture that comes alive, and a boy with no heart. These are some of the frightening things in these stories by M. R. James, one of the greatest horror writers of all time. Zobraziť viac
Na samém konci 19. století, v době, kdy vrcholila éra anglických duchařských příběhů, přichází nenápadný gentleman Montague R. James – uznávaný odborník na staré rukopisy a vysoce postavený učenec, který po večerech toliko pro své potěšení píše... Zobraziť viac
What is the crown, and why is it important for England? Who is William Agers? In this gripping mystery, the answers are all in Seaburgh... Zobraziť viac
Graded reading with texts adapted according to the level of knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical structures of the students... Zobraziť viac
'The lower jaw was thin - what can I call it? - shallow, like a beast's; teeth showed behind the black lips...' M. R. James is the master of the English ghost story, whose tales are inhabited not by ethereal spirits, but by terrifying,... Zobraziť viac
M.R. James wrote his ghost stories to entertain friends on Christmas Eve, and they went on to both transform and modernise a genre.James harnesses the power of suggestion to move from a recognisable world to one that is indefinably strange, ... Zobraziť viac
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. 'At first you saw only a mass of... Zobraziť viac