Edgar Allan Poe’s only novel is an exciting and unmissable story and a classic of American literature.
His name is Arthur Gordon Pym. He comes from Nantucket. Nantucket is a town in America, near the sea. People from Nantucket are often sailors. His grandfather is a lawyer. He’s famous and he’s very rich. Gordon Pym is very lucky.
He is only eighteen years old, but he as a small boat. Its name is the Ariel. He often goes sailing on the Ariel, near Nantucket. He has a good education and a dream: he wants to go to sea. This is the story of his adventures at sea. He meets pirates, a ghost ship, and storms.
He visits Kerguelen’s Land, Prince Edward’s Island and Tristan da Cunha before arriving in Antarctica.
Articles: a, an, the
Nouns: countable and uncountable, plural, possessive
Pronouns: subject, object
Quantifiers: some/any, more
Adjectives: possessive, opinion
Prepositions: place, time, movement
Verbs: Present Simple, Present
Adverbs: frequency, manner
Young Adult ELI Readers - Light - A1
Jediný román Edgara Allana Poea je vzrušujúci príbeh klasickej americkej literatúry, ktorý si nemôžete nechať ujsť.
Volá sa Arthur Gordon Pym. Pochádza z Nantucket. Nantucket je mesto v Amerike neďaleko mora. Preto sú aj ľudia, ktorí tu žijú, väčšinou námorníci. Jeho starý otec je veľmi bohatý a slávny právnik. Gordon Pym má veľké šťastie.
Má ešte len osemnásť, ale vlastní malú loďku, ktorá sa volá Ariel. Často sa plaví na Ariel blízko Nantucket. Je vzdelaný a sníva o tom, že sa raz vydá na more. Toto je príbeh jeho dobrodružstva na mori. Stretne pirátov, loď duchov a búrky. Predtým, ako sa dostane na Antarktídu, navštívi Kergueleny, Ostrovy Princa Edwarda a ostrov Tristan da Cunha.
Rok vydania:
148×210 mmPočet strán:
brožovanáJazyk: angličtina