Welcome to the Marvel Universe, Miles Morales! After the dimension-shattering Secret Wars, the Ultimate Spider-Man is starting a brand new life on a brand new world... Zobraziť viac
In a world where superheroes soar through the sky, follow homicide detectives Christian Walker and Deena Pilgrim on the dirty city streets below. Assigned to the powers special cases, they will face the worst their city has to offer... Zobraziť viac
In the year 2000, Marvel launched the Ultimate Universe, reinventing Spider-Man and his mythos for a new millennium! Now, the first three years of Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley's fan-favorite, award-winning take on the webslinger are collected ... Zobraziť viac
Miles Morales is hitting the big time! Not only is he joining the mainstream Marvel Universe, but he's also become a card-carrying Avenger! And he'll soon be a media sensation in this all-new, all-different New York... Zobraziť viac