Básnik mysliteľ, ktorý sa neostýcha bádať v samých základoch bytia, duše, vesmíru, s presvedčivou pokorou hľadača pravdy... Zobraziť viac
Slovak-English edition of selected poems (64 poems) of Milan Rufus, poet laureate of Slovakia, illustrated with paintings by Koloman Sokol, translated from Slovak to English by Ewald Osers, and Viera and James Sutherland-Smith. Zobraziť viac
Sonya Jány inspired me to the extent that I dared reaching for the poetry of Jan Skácel (1922-1989; Czech poet). And she helped me to learn poems by Milan Rúfus (1928-2009; Slovak poet). I felt bewitched in much the same way as by the works of Skácel. Zobraziť viac