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Našli sme 9 titulov

Čo prežíva človek, ktorý práve umiera

Čo prežíva človek, ktorý práve umiera

Eugen Jonas, (2014)

Kniha v šiestich jazykoch - slovenskom, maďarskom, nemeckom, anglickom, talianskom a francúzskom. Zobraziť viac

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Ilustrovaný technický slovník

Ilustrovaný technický slovník

Predložený ilustrovaný slovník je určený najmä študentom všetkých stupňov vysokoškolského štúdia, pre ktorých nie sú známe... Zobraziť viac

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Techno-clinical aspects of fixed removable prosthesis

Techno-clinical aspects of fixed removable prosthesis

, Teamwork Media (2015)

V moderní společnosti se značně prodloužila průměrná délka života populace, a to samozřejmě ovlivňuje, mimo jiné, také vývoj a koncepci zubního lékařství. Významným... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.

Luxury Toys

Luxury Toys

Paolo Tumminelli, Te Neues (2007)
Classic Cars

Classic cars are widely treasured and held in high regard. However, true luxury cars are those produced in special editions or even built to order. This book covers the most exclusive automotive treasures, showcasing approximately 45 extremely rare models Zobraziť viac

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Wall Design

Wall Design

, Daab (2007)

In this book new trends of wall design are presented by means of numerous projects. The use of new materials allows bright colours and extraordinary patterns, new forms and structures... Zobraziť viac

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The Ferrari Book

The Ferrari Book

, Te Neues (2013)
teNeues Verlag + Co KG: One must first imagine a car, stated Enzo Ferrari. Nobody creates pictures worthy of the...

One must first imagine a car, stated Enzo Ferrari. Nobody creates pictures worthy of the Commendatore’s imagination quite like Günther Raupp. Not just a random flood of images, this internationally renowned automotive ... Zobraziť viac

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Steel Design

Steel Design

, Daab (2007)

Architecture has advanced quickly in the field of constructive materials, which are fundamental when fulfilling dreams of raising massive buildings. Amongst these materials that have had the biggest influence in the creation of this kind... Zobraziť viac

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Roof Design

Roof Design

, Daab (2007)

Since streets become increasingly crowded, living on the top of a building promises privacy and distance. Rooftops have become the symbol of a new lifestyle - an extension and exclusive enjoyment of an area traditionally unused... Zobraziť viac

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Door Design

Door Design

, Daab (2007)

This volume of a series, focussing on the basic elements of architecture delivers a very close insight into the divers possibilities of designing doors. The door is the most essential component of a house... Zobraziť viac

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