Rete! significa varie cose -ma la prima è fondamentale: è il goal, il sucesso, il piacere di farcela. Lo studente che usa Rete! viene portato, attraverso attività semplici, a comprendere prima intuitivamente ... Zobraziť viac
Elena e Lila, le due amiche la cui storia i lettori hanno imparato a conoscere attraverso L’amica geniale e Storia del nuovo cognome, sono diventate donne. Lo sono diventate molto presto: Lila si è sposata a sedici anni, ha un figlio piccolo, ha... Zobraziť viac
Andreas H. Bitesnich is the photographer whose name is on many magazine editors lips in Europe. As well as advertising work, his editorial work for "Stern", "GQ" and "Playboy" has taken him to every corner of the globe... Zobraziť viac
Turistická mapa pre oblasť masívu Monte Rosa v mierke 1:50 000 z vydavateľstva Kompass. Obsahuje všetky dôležité informácie pre turistov... Zobraziť viac
Come puo un tranquillo soggiorno in Italia trasformarsi in una vera e propria avventura? E quello che succede ad Anna,... Zobraziť viac
Despite their at times negative connotation, why do consumers love packaging so much that it has turned into one of the essential conditions for commercial success?.. Zobraziť viac
Germany’s second largest city, and one of Europe’s biggest ports, Hamburg has been a center for commerce since the days of the Hanseatic League... Zobraziť viac
Even in the city that never sleeps, you've got to have somewhere chic to lay your head. Thankfully, this guide outlines the coolest possibilities. In addition to having sleek interiors and exteriors, these hip hotels are a stone's throw... Zobraziť viac
This cosmopolitan city of bankers and book publishers is an industrial and economic powerhouse not just of Germany but of all Europe... Zobraziť viac
Turistický sprievodca z edície Poznávame Slovensko predstavuje Bratislavu a najmä jej Staré Mesto ako mimoriadne zaujímavú stredoeurópsku lokalitu z hľadiska histórie, architektúry, kultúry a umenia. Obsahuje základnú charakteristiku histórie mesta a... Zobraziť viac
Módní ilustrace je především o převedení myšlenky do reality. Jedná se o první krok k převedení nápadu do skutečného modelu. V této knize najdeme stovky... Zobraziť viac
Česko-italský a italsko-český slovníček Zobraziť viac
The word "disco" comes from the french "discothèque", a fusion between "disco" and "bibliothèque" which first came into use during World War II when the ban on jazz and dance halls gave rise to clandestine clubs and the figure of the "disc-jocke Zobraziť viac
Část nákladu distribuována s magnetofonovými kazetami Zobraziť viac