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Slovenské vinárstva / Slovak Wineries

Slovenské vinárstva / Slovak Wineries

Predstavenie 50 slovenských vinárstiev v anglickom a slovenskom jazyku, bohatá obrazová príloha. Zobraziť viac

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Top miesta na Slovensku / Top Places in Slovakia

Top miesta na Slovensku / Top Places in Slovakia

Simona Budinská, Fortuna Libri (2017)
Neobyčajný bedeker najlepších kaviarní a bistier

Knižná prvotina šéfredaktorky obľúbeného on-line projektu je akýmsi gurmánskym kompasom, ktorý mapuje tie najzaujímavejšie podniky na Slovensku, a to tak sugestívne, že pri pohľade na podmanivé fotografie a po prečítaní chytľavého textu... Zobraziť viac

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TOP 60 slovenských vín 2016 / Slovak wines 15. Trunkfest 2016

TOP 60 slovenských vín 2016 / Slovak wines 15. Trunkfest 2016

Fedor Malík, TRUNK (2016)
Kniha TOP 60 slovenských vín, ktorej autorom je Prof. Fedor Malík, predstavuje slovenských výrobcov vína, ktorí získali...

Kniha TOP 60 slovenských vín, ktorej autorom je Prof. Fedor Malík, predstavuje slovenských výrobcov vína, ktorí získali zlatú alebo striebornú medailu z medzinárodnej súťažnej prehliadky vín... Zobraziť viac

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Baked to Perfection

Baked to Perfection

The only gluten-free baking book you'll ever need, with delicious recipes that work perfectly every time... Zobraziť viac

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Liptov Kuchyňa starých materí

Liptov Kuchyňa starých materí

Súčasná etnológia a kultúrna antropológia považuje tradičnú kuchyňu spoločenstiev ľudí za jeden z ich najvýznamnejších identifikačných znakov a zasadzuje sa za jej zdokumentovanie a zachovanie pre budúce generácie... Zobraziť viac

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Top miesta na Slovensku / Top Places in Slovakia

Top miesta na Slovensku / Top Places in Slovakia

Simona Budinská, Fortuna Libri (2017)
Neobyčajný bedeker najlepších kaviarní a bistier

Knižná prvotina šéfredaktorky obľúbeného on-line projektu je akýmsi gurmánskym kompasom, ktorý mapuje tie najzaujímavejšie podniky na Slovensku, a to tak sugestívne, že pri pohľade na podmanivé fotografie a po prečítaní chytľavého textu... Zobraziť viac

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Vianoce s Nigellou

Vianoce s Nigellou

Nigella Lawson, Ikar (2010)
Kráľovná kuchárskeho umenia tentoraz varí a pečie na najkrajšie sviatky roka. Cez Vianoce akosi viac myslíme na rodinu a...

Kráľovná kuchárskeho umenia tentoraz varí a pečie na najkrajšie sviatky roka. Cez Vianoce akosi viac myslíme na rodinu a priateľov, pripomíname si tradície a vnímame teplo rodinného kozuba... Zobraziť viac

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The Slovak Cookery

The Slovak Cookery

Ružena Murgová, Štefan Murga, Osveta (2009)
The book contains diverse specialties of the Slovak cuisine, and among them also some almost forgotten delicacies. However,...

The book contains diverse specialties of the Slovak cuisine, and among them also some almost forgotten delicacies. However,... Zobraziť viac

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The Pizza Bible

Tony Gemignani, Random House (2014)
Ten Speed Press: A comprehensive guide to making pizza, covering nine different regional styles--including standards like...

A comprehensive guide to making pizza, covering nine different regional styles including standards like Neapolitan, Roman, and Chicago, as well as renowned pizza sub-specialties like St. Louis and Californian ... Zobraziť viac

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Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course

Gordon Ramsay, Hodder and Stoughton (2012)
Hodder & Stoughton: "I want to teach you how to cook good food at home. By stripping away all the hard graft and complexity,...

Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course is about giving home cooks the desire, confidence and inspiration to hit the stoves and get cooking, with over 120 modern, simple and accessible recipes... Zobraziť viac

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A Taste of Slovakia 3: Winter

A Taste of Slovakia 3: Winter

Jarmila Hlávková, Jarmila Hlávková (2022)
Emilia´s (not only) Cookbook

The third book of this award-winning series is about winter in the Slovak kitchen. It will take you from the Advent season and the folklore of witches' days through the art of medovníky and oblátky baking to the festive days of Christmas and... Zobraziť viac

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How To Make The Best Coffee At Home

How To Make The Best Coffee At Home

We all expect to be able to buy an excellent cup of coffee from the many brilliant coffee shops available. But what about the coffee we make at home? Shouldn't that be just as good? ... Zobraziť viac

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The World Atlas of Coffee

The World Atlas of Coffee

Coffee has never been better, or more interesting, than it is today. Coffee producers have access to more varieties and techniques than ever before and we, as consumers, can share in that expertise to make sure the coffee we drink is the best we can find. Zobraziť viac

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La Cucina

La Cucina

, Rizzoli Universe (2012)
Rizzoli International Publications: As one would expect from a book put together by the members of the Italian Academy of...

This is the most comprehensive authentic Italian cookbook ever published in the English language. With the prestigious Italian Academy of Cuisine as the author and more than 2,000 recipes, this has the greatest scope of any Italian cookbook... Zobraziť viac

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Jamie's Italy

Jamie's Italy

Jamie Oliver, Penguin Books (2005)
Michael Joseph: Explore Jamie's Italy - travel on a culinary tour with Jamie Oliver Ever since working at the River...

Ever since working at the River Cafe for Ruth Rogers and Rose Gray, Jamie Oliver has had a serious passion for Italian food... Zobraziť viac

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Mastering the Art of French Cooking (2.)

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (2.)

Julia Child, Simone Beck, Penguin Books (2011)
Penguin: Soups from the garden, bisques from the sea, famous fish stews from Provence and Normandy, the real French crunchy...

Soups from the garden, bisques from the sea, famous fish stews from Provence and Normandy, the real French crunchy bread, meats, vegetables and desserts in variety, all accompanied by step-by-step instructions and superb illustrations, ... Zobraziť viac

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India Cookbook

India Cookbook

Andy Sewell, Pushpesh Pant, Phaidon (2010)
"India: The Cookbook" is the first comprehensive guide to Indian cooking, with over 1,000 recipes covering every aspect of...

India is the first comprehensive guide to Indian cooking, with over 1,000 recipes covering every aspect of India's rich and colourful culinary heritage. Unlike many other Indian cookbooks, ... Zobraziť viac

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Saved by Cake

Saved by Cake

Marian Keyes, Penguin Books (2012)
Michael Joseph: Learn to bake with Britain's favourite women's fiction author, Marian Keyes - author of Watermelon and...

Saved by Cake gives an extremely honest account of Marian Keyes' recent battle with depression, and how baking has helped her... Zobraziť viac

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Save with Jamie

Save with Jamie

Jamie Oliver, Penguin Books (2013)
Michael Joseph: Jamie gets the nation cooking clever, shopping smart and wasting less with his new cookbook, Save with...

It draws on knowledge and cooking skills to help you make better choices, showing you how to buy economically and efficiently, get the most out of your ingredients, save time and prevent food waste... Zobraziť viac

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Raw Family Signature Dishes

Raw Family Signature Dishes

Victoria Boutenko, North Atlantic Books (2009)
A Step-By-Step Guide to Essential Live-Food Recipes

While the raw food diet is the fastest growing alternative approach to eating because of its health benefits, preparing raw food dishes is so new that many people don't know where to start.... Zobraziť viac

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