Viete, prečo si pán Korytnačka nosí všade so sebou svoj dom? Ako kedysi ľudia privolávali dážď, či prečo má slon takú dobrú pamäť? Toto všetko a mnohé iné zaujímavosti sú zaznamenané v siganách, príbehoch afrického kmeňa Luo... Zobraziť viac
Shooters (2002) - r. Glenn Durfort, Colin Teague - h. Adrian Dunbar, Andrew Howard, Louis Dempsey Zobraziť viac
The history of Irish whiskey, the difference between single malts and blends, the art of distilling and blending - learn how to taste as well as drink! Zobraziť viac
This book will teach you how to test computer software under real-world conditions. The authors have all been test managers and software development managers at well-known Silicon Valley software companies... Zobraziť viac
Spielerisch italienisch lernen! Dieses Bildwörterbuch mit Audio-CD vermittelt über 2.000 Begriffe des Grundwortschatzes auf unterhaltsame Weise. Es ist bestens geeignet für Grundschulkinder und Nicht-Muttersprachler. Vor allem unterstützt... Zobraziť viac
From the admiralty to the miner's strike, from the Battle of Britain to eventual victory over Nazi Germany, Churchill oversaw some of the most important events the world has ever seen. Winning the Nobel Prize in Literature for his personal... Zobraziť viac
78 kiváló recept... Zobraziť viac
What should you do at Christmas? In Edvard Munch's Christmas in the Brothel, the artist depicts himself sleeping off the effects of drink, but the Madame reads a book. What links Stalin and the artist Rosso Fiorentino? What was Gauguin hinting at... Zobraziť viac