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Búrlivá krv

Búrlivá krv

J.K. Rowling, Robert Galbraith, Lindeni (2022)
Detektív Cormoran Strike je späť s novým prípadom!

Počas rodinnej návštevy v Cornwalle oslovia súkromného detektíva Cormorana Strikea, aby sa pozrel na prípad zmiznutia Margot Bamboroughovej z roku 1974. Strike sa nikdy predtým nepustil do odloženého prípadu a jeho šance na úspech sú viac než... Zobraziť viac

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Neklidná krev

Neklidná krev

J.K. Rowling, Robert Galbraith, Kniha Zlín (2022)
Pátý případ Cormorana Strika a Robin Ellacottové

Soukromého detektiva Cormorana Strika osloví s prosbou o pomoc žena, jejíž matka před čtyřiceti lety zmizela za podivných okolností. I přes malou šanci na objasnění... Zobraziť viac

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Troubled Blood

Troubled Blood

Troubled Blood is the next thrilling instalment in the highly acclaimed, international bestselling series featuring Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott, written by Robert Galbraith, a pseudonym of J.K. Rowling. Zobraziť viac

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Troubled Blood

Troubled Blood

Private Detective Cormoran Strike is visiting his family in Cornwall when he is approached by a woman asking for help finding her mother, Margot Bamborough - who went missing in mysterious circumstances in 1974... Zobraziť viac

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Troubled Blood

Troubled Blood

Troubled Blood is the next thrilling instalment in the highly acclaimed, international bestselling series featuring Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott, written by Robert Galbraith, a pseudonym of J.K. Rowling. Zobraziť viac

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Troubled Blood

Troubled Blood

Troubled Blood is the next thrilling instalment in the highly acclaimed, international bestselling series featuring Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott, written by Robert Galbraith, a pseudonym of J.K. Rowling. Zobraziť viac

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Troubled Blood

Troubled Blood

Private Detective Cormoran Strike is visiting his family in Cornwall when he is approached by a woman asking for help finding her mother, Margot Bamborough - who went missing in mysterious circumstances in 1974... Zobraziť viac

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