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Edícia Dolphin Readers

Našli sme 7 titulov

Dolphin Readers 1: How's the Weather? - Activity Book

Dolphin Readers 1: How's the Weather? - Activity Book

Christine Lindop, Oxford University Press (2005)
Graded ´read and do´ fiction and non-fiction readers that teach children about the world around them.

Graded 'read and do' fiction and non-fiction readers that teach children about the world around them. Zobraziť viac

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Dolphin Readers 3: New Girl in School / Uncle Jerry´s Great Idea Audio CD

Dolphin Readers 3: New Girl in School / Uncle Jerry´s Great Idea Audio CD

Dolphins are interactive graded readers specially designed to make developing language skills fun for younger learners... Zobraziť viac

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Dolphin Readers Starter: A Game of Shapes / Baby Animals Audio CD

Dolphin Readers Starter: A Game of Shapes / Baby Animals Audio CD

Dolphins are interactive graded readers specially designed to make developing language skills fun for younger learners... Zobraziť viac

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Dolphin Readers 1: Where is It?

Dolphin Readers 1: Where is It?

Dolphins are interactive graded readers specially designed to make developing language skills fun for younger learners... Zobraziť viac

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Dolphin Readers 3: New Girl in School

Dolphin Readers 3: New Girl in School

Dolphins are interactive graded readers specially designed to make developing language skills fun for younger learners... Zobraziť viac

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Dolphin Readers Starter: A Game of Shapes

Dolphin Readers Starter: A Game of Shapes

Dolphins are interactive graded readers specially designed to make developing language skills fun for younger learners... Zobraziť viac

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Dolphin Readers 1: Jack the Hero

Dolphin Readers 1: Jack the Hero

Dolphins are interactive graded readers specially designed to make developing language skills fun for younger learners. Full-colour illustrations and cross-curricular content stimulate students' interest and... Zobraziť viac

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