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Našli sme 8 titulov

Meditace, potrava pro duši

Meditace, potrava pro duši

Denně sytíme tělo, ne však svou duši. Proto v životě jen zřídka nacházíme opravdové, hluboké a nepomíjející naplnění. Tyto krátké "meditace na každý den v roce" pomáhají pročistit naši mysl a nasytit naši duši... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 8 dní.

Heart-Wisdom-Drops I

Heart-Wisdom-Drops I

Sri Chinmoy, Madal Bal (2014)
Inspiring Aphorisms for Every Day

A collection of 54 inspirational cards for you and your friends. Enjoy these aphorisms and meditative paintings by Sri Chinmoy. Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 8 dní.

Song of the Soul / Piesne duše

Song of the Soul / Piesne duše

Kompilácia krátkych esejí skúmajúcich náš vzťah s Bohom. Každá esej tvorí žiarivé vyjadrenie najvnútornejšej bytosti, vyjadruje svoju identitu s večnou pravdou, povzbudzuje a inšpiruje každého z nás k hľadaniu vlastného vnútorného svetla... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 2 dni.

The Wings of Joy+CD Flute Music

The Wings of Joy+CD Flute Music

Internationally renowned spiritual leader Sri Chinmoy combines ancient wisdom with modern insights into what it means to be a seeker in the new millennium. He encourages us to find harmony and light deep within our hearts and to deal with... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 8 dní.

My Life's Soul-Journey

My Life's Soul-Journey

Sri Chinmoy, Madal Bal (2014)
Daily Meditations for Ever-increasing Spiritual Fulfilment

This popular volume was compiled from thousands of pages of Sri Chinmoy's prolific output. It can be read daily, year after year. For each day of the year, you can turn to a concise spiritual thought... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 8 dní.



Presented with simplicity and clarity, this book will take you from the beginning stages of concentration and meditation through the advanced practice of contemplation and higher states of consciousness... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 8 dní.

Heart-Wisdom-Drops V

Heart-Wisdom-Drops V

A collection of 54 inspirational cards for you and your friends. Enjoy these aphorisms and meditative paintings by Sri Chinmoy. Zobraziť viac

🍎 Vypredané



This classic introduction remains an enduring favourite. With the simplicity and clarity that is the hallmark of Sri Chinmoy s writings, this comprehensive guide takes you from the first stages of concentration and meditation through the advanced... Zobraziť viac

🍎 Vypredané