Elektronické knihy ako darček

Séria CCIE Professional Development

Našli sme 2 titulov

CCIE Professional Development: Troubleshooting IP Routing Protocols

CCIE Professional Development: Troubleshooting IP Routing Protocols - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Abe Martey, Faraz Shamim, Johnson Liu, Zaheer Aziz, Cisco Press (2002)
The comprehensive, hands-on guide for resolving IP routing problems

This book is part of the Cisco CCIE Professional Development Series, which offers expert-level instruction on network design, deployment, and support methodologies to help networking professionals manage complex networks and prepare for CCIE exams... Zobraziť viac

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CCIE Professional Development: Troubleshooting IP Routing Protocols

CCIE Professional Development: Troubleshooting IP Routing Protocols

Abe Martey, Faraz Shamim, Johnson Liu, Zaheer Aziz, Cisco Press (2002)
The comprehensive, hands-on guide for resolving IP routing problems

This book is part of the Cisco CCIE Professional Development Series, which offers expert-level instruction on network design, deployment, and support methodologies to help networking professionals manage complex networks and prepare for CCIE exams... Zobraziť viac

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