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Séria New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate

Našli sme 6 titulov

New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate

New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate

Tom Hutchinson, Oxford University Press (1998)
This is a four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so...

This is a four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 6 dní.

New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate

New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate

Tom Hutchinson, Oxford University Press (1998)
This is a four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so...

This is a four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 6 dní.

New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate

New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Tom Hutchinson, Oxford University Press (1998)
This is a four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so...

This edition of <i>Hotline</i> contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section: reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.

New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate

New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Tom Hutchinson, Oxford University Press (1998)
This is a four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so...

This edition of <i>Hotline</i> contains new features such as: guided writing sections; activities cross-referenced to a grammar reference section: reading texts recorded on to cassettes to provide a pronunciation model... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.

New Hotline - Pre-Intermediate

Tom Hutchinson, Oxford University Press (1998)
This is a four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so...

This is a four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so... Zobraziť viac

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New Hotline Pre-Intermediate Cassette /2/ (Hutchinson, T.) [cassette]

New Hotline Pre-Intermediate Cassette /2/ (Hutchinson, T.) [cassette]

Tom Hutchinson, Oxford University Press (1998)
This is a four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so...

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