An ordinary teenage boy named Shinichi Izumilives with his parents in a quiet neighborhood until alien parasites invade. They are worm-like creatures that enter human 'hosts' through their ears or noses and take over their brains... Zobraziť viac
An ordinary teenage boy named Shinichi Izumilives with his parents in a quiet neighborhood until alien parasites invade. They are worm-like creatures that enter human 'hosts' through their ears or... Zobraziť viac
PERSONAL DEMON Shin looks like an ordinary high school boy, but he has a terrible secret: an alien parasite has infected his body. This mysterious creature is ruthless, deadly, and utterly indifferent to human suffering... Zobraziť viac
An ordinary teenage boy named Shinichi Izumilives with his parents in a quiet neighborhood until alien parasites invade. They are worm-like creatures that enter human 'hosts' through their ears or noses and take over their brains... Zobraziť viac
An ordinary teenage boy named Shinichi Izumilives with his parents in a quiet neighborhood until alien parasites invade. They are worm-like creatures that enter human 'hosts' through their ears or... Zobraziť viac
Shinichi, an ordinary high school student, is the only one who knows that aliens have invaded Earth and are controlling the minds of thousands of unwitting victims. It’s a secret too dangerous to share... Zobraziť viac
Shinichi vows to destroy Goto, one of the deadliest of the alien parasites that have invaded Earth–and people’s bodies. But at the moment of truth, Shinichi discovers something unexpected in his heart: sympathy for the monster... Zobraziť viac
ALIEN NATION Aliens parasites have invaded Earth and taken over the minds of ordinary people. Shin has been infected with a parasite, but he still can think and act for himself. Now he's been approached by two mysterious victims of... Zobraziť viac
An ordinary teenage boy named Shinichi Izumilives with his parents in a quiet neighborhood until alien parasites invade. They are worm-like creatures that enter human 'hosts' through their ears or noses, and take over their brains... Zobraziť viac