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Séria Playscripts 1

Našli sme 2 titulov

Playscripts 1 - Five Short Plays

Playscripts 1 - Five Short Plays - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Martyn Ford, Oxford University Press (2007)
Oxford Bookworms (New Edition)

What do you do if you have a boring job in a restaurant, serving fast food to people who have no time to eat? Smile, and do your best? Perhaps it's better to find a place where time doesn't matter so much... Zobraziť viac

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Playscripts 1 - The Murder of Mary Jones with Audio Mp3 Pack

Playscripts 1 - The Murder of Mary Jones with Audio Mp3 Pack

Tim Vicary, Oxford University Press (2016)
Oxford Bookworms (New Edition)

The police found the murder weapon in their stolen car, and there was blood on Simon's face. If the court finds them guilty, they will go to prison for a very long time. Can the lawyers find out the truth, by asking the right questions... Zobraziť viac

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