This is the story of Penelope of Ithaca, famed wife of Odysseus, as it has never been told before. Beyond Ithaca's shores, the whims of gods dictate the wars of men. But on the isle, it is the choices of the abandoned women... Zobraziť viac
This is the story of Penelope of Ithaca, famed wife of Odysseus, as it has never been told before. Beyond Ithaca's shores, the whims of gods dictate the wars of men. But on the isle, it is the choices of the abandoned women... Zobraziť viac
The electrifying new thriller from the author of the acclaimed The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. Kepler is like you, but not like you. With a simple touch, Kepler can move into any body, live any life - for a moment, a day or for years... Zobraziť viac