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Knihy vydavateľstva Baker and Taylor

Našli sme 3 titulov

The Reason

The Reason - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Lacey Sturm, Baker and Taylor (2014)
How I Discovered a Life Worth Living

The day Lacey Sturm planned to kill herself was the day her grandmother forced her to go to church, a place Lacey thought was filled with hypocrites, fakers, and simpletons... Zobraziť viac

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The Reason

The Reason

Lacey Sturm, Baker and Taylor (2014)
How I Discovered a Life Worth Living

The day Lacey Sturm planned to kill herself was the day her grandmother forced her to go to church, a place Lacey thought was filled with hypocrites, fakers, and simpletons... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Dodanie môže trvať viac ako 30 dní

Robert Kennedy and His Times

Robert Kennedy and His Times

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., chronicles the short life of the Kennedy family`s second presidential hopeful in "a story that leaves the reader aching for what cannot be recaptured" (Miami Herald)... Zobraziť viac

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