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Knihy vydavateľstva Microsoft Press

Našli sme 3 titulov

Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Programming

Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Programming - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Get a detailed look at the internal architecture of T-SQL with this comprehensive programming reference. Database developers and administrators get best practices, expert techniques, and code samples to master the intricacies of this programming language Zobraziť viac

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CLR Via C#

CLR Via C#

Jeffrey Richter, Microsoft Press (2012)
Microsoft Press: Dig deep and master the intricacies of the common language runtime, C#, and .NET development. Led by...

Dig deep and master the intricacies of the common language runtime, C#, and .NET development. Led by programming expert Jeffrey Richter, a longtime consultant to the Microsoft .NET team - you'll gain pragmatic insights for building robust, ... Zobraziť viac

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The Definitive Guide to Dax

The Definitive Guide to Dax

Alberto Ferrari, Microsoft Press (2019)
Business Intelligence with Microsoft Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services, and Power BI

This comprehensive and authoritative guide will teach you the DAX language for business intelligence, data modeling, and analytics. Leading Microsoft BI consultants Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari help you master everything from table functions ... Zobraziť viac

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