Držiteľka mnohých ocenení, škótska spisovateľka Ali Smith pokračuje v tetralógii ročných období. Zima je nespútaný román plný nehy, spravodlivého hnevu a štedrosti. Sophia Clevesová je podnikateľka na dôchodku, ktorá žije sama v šesťnásťizbovom dome... Zobraziť viac
Posledný diel kvarteta ročných období od Ali Smith, série, ktorú vysoko oceňuje kritika aj čitatelia v zahraničí aj na Slovensku... Zobraziť viac
Tretí diel Kvarteta ročných období od Ali Smith prináša pohľad na svet uväznený v sieti, rozdelený na hranice a rasy, na tých, ktorí majú právo dôstojne žiť a tých, čo ho nemajú, pokiaľ nepovieme inak... Zobraziť viac
Britská autorka Ali Smithová se českému čtenáři představila poprvé v roce 2005 výborem Jiné povídky a jiné povídky. V próze Hotel svět přivádí svůj osobitý styl poutající nápaditostí, poetičností, vtipem i hloubkou k ještě vybroušenější dokonalosti. Zobraziť viac
Během večeře v rodinném domě v Greenwichi odejde jeden z hostů nahoru do hostinského pokoje, zamkne se tam a odmítá vyjít ven. Majitelé nechtějí volat policii a snaží se ho dostat ven s pomocí jeho přátel a známých... Zobraziť viac
Během večeře v rodinném domě v Greenwichi odejde jeden z hostů nahoru do hostinského pokoje, zamkne se tam a odmítá vyjít ven. Majitelé nechtějí volat policii a snaží se ho dostat ven s pomocí jeho přátel a známých... Zobraziť viac
Britská autorka Ali Smithová se českému čtenáři představila poprvé v roce 2005 výborem Jiné povídky a jiné povídky. V próze... Zobraziť viac
Discover the unforgettable finale to Ali Smith's dazzling literary tour-de-force. In the present, Sacha knows the world's in trouble. Her brother Robert just is trouble. Their mother and father are having trouble. Meanwhile the world's in meltdown... Zobraziť viac
Following her dazzling five-novel portrait of our age, the ‘Seasonal’ sequence, Ali Smith returns with the first of two novels which belong together but can be read independently... Zobraziť viac
Autumn. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. That's what it felt like for Keats in 1819. How about Autumn 2016? Daniel is a century old. Elisabeth, born in 1984, has her eye on the future... Zobraziť viac
The unmissable finale to Ali Smith's dazzling literary tour de force: the Seasonal quartet concludes in 2020 with Summer... Zobraziť viac
'My mother began me one evening in 1968 on a table in the cafe of the town's only cinema . . .'One hot summer a stranger arrives at the Norfolk holiday home of the Smart family.Intriguing, beguiling, arresting, Amber brings love, joy, pain and not a littl Zobraziť viac
Autumn. Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. That's what it felt like for Keats in 1819. How about Autumn 2016? Daniel is a century old. Elisabeth, born in 1984, has her eye on the future... Zobraziť viac
How to be both is the dazzling new novel by Ali Smith. Winner of the GoldSmiths Prize 2014 Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2014 Winner of the 2014 Costa Novel Award Winner of the Saltire Society Literary Book of the Year ... Zobraziť viac
A cabinet of curiosities, a time machine, a treasure trove - we love bookshops because they possess a unique kind of magic. In Browse, Henry Hitchings asks fifteen writers from around the world to reveal their favourite bookshops... Zobraziť viac
From the bestselling author of Autumn and Winter, as well as the Baileys Prize-winning. How to be both, comes the next installment in the remarkable, once-in-a-generation masterpiece, the Seasonal Quartet... Zobraziť viac
O brave new world, that has such people in't. Once upon a time not very far from now, two children come home to find a line of wet red paint encircling the outside of their house. What does it mean?It’s a truism of our time that it’ll be the next.. Zobraziť viac
A novel that pans in on the Norfolk holiday home of the Smart family one hot summer. There a beguiling stranger called Amber appears at the door bearing all sorts of unexpected gifts, trampling over family boundaries and sending each ... Zobraziť viac
Winter? Bleak. Earth as iron, water as stone, so the old song goes. But winter makes things visible. And Christmas is a time for family reunions, unexpected guests and evergreen truths. It's December in Cornwall and Art's mother is seeing things... Zobraziť viac
The unmissable new work from Ali Smith, following the dazzling Man Booker-shortlisted Seasonal quartet... Zobraziť viac