Kde všade bývajú zvieratká? S touto krásne ilustrovanou knižkou plnou otváracích okienok môžeš nazrieť do domovov mnohých zvieratiek a zoznámiť sa s nimi... Zobraziť viac
Přeloženo z angličtiny. Obsahuje rejstřík Zobraziť viac
Pojď se podívat do tajuplného světa hmyzích příbytků a dalších obydlí bezobratlých tvorů. Věděl si, že pavouci dokážou žít i pod vodou? Víš, jak se jmenuje domov, kde bydlí včely? A že roháči bojují o ten nejlepší... Zobraziť viac
Zvedavá veverička skáče z vetvy na vetvu, prebieha lesom a schováva si žalude na tajnom mieste. Cestou stretáva ďalších obyvateľov lesa. Kde však sú? Schovávajú sa za odklápacími časťami, ktoré obrázok rozšíria... Zobraziť viac
Nakoukni do lesa behem ctyr rocních dob a objev štebetající ptáky, pilné brouky, ospalé medvedy a jezevce, kterí se práve pustili do jarního úklidu. Zobraziť viac
Tato kniha doslova překypuje radami a návody, jak snadno kreslit. Jednoduché instrukce vám krok za krokem ukážou, jak... Zobraziť viac
Kde všade bývajú zvieratká? S touto krásne ilustrovanou knižkou plnou otváracích okienok môžeš nazrieť do domovov mnohých zvieratiek a zoznámiť sa s nimi... Zobraziť viac
Poď sa pozrieť do tajuplného sveta hmyzích príbytkov a ďalších obydlí bezstavovcov. Vedel si, že pavúky dokážu žiť aj pod vodou? Vieš, ako sa volá domov, kde bývajú včely? ... Zobraziť viac
Follow a little monkey around the jungle, and lift leaves and branches to meet lots of other tropical creatures along the way... Zobraziť viac
Enter the fairytale world of genies and magic in this delightful new addition to the Peep Inside a Fairy Tale series. Aladdin is a poor boy, but by trusting his instincts, and with a little luck, he achieves his heart's desire... Zobraziť viac
Inspired by Sarah Coleridge's familiar poem 'January brings the snow', this little book describes each month of the year in a toddler-friendly way. Gorgeous animal characters show things to remember for each month... Zobraziť viac
This most delightful of fairytales is full of kindness. The elves help the shoemaker and his wife when things aren't going well for them, and then they in turn help the elves by making them new clothes... Zobraziť viac
A gorgeous sticker book with beautifully decorated rooms just waiting to be filled with furniture and accessories. Children will have hours of fun arranging the house just as they want it, with... Zobraziť viac
Follow a spotty ladybird as she explores outdoors, and lift petals and leaves to meet lots of other bugs along the way. This charming book for little children has lots to discover and... Zobraziť viac
Peep into the forest to discover twittering birds and busy bugs, sleepy bears and a spring-cleaning badger in this charming book filled with intricately cut flaps and holes to peep through. Little children can see how the forest changes ... Zobraziť viac
Follow an inquisitive little mouse as it scampers through a garden, and lift leaves and petals to meet lots of other garden creatures along the way. This charming book for little children has lots to discover and talk about on every page, ... Zobraziť viac
Help instill a love of bees in little children with this little flap book that explores their world. Peep inside flowers, beehives and under busy bees, to see what they do all day, how honey is made... Zobraziť viac
This little girl sometimes finds it very hard to say hello. She struggles going into groups or parties and is very scared of starting a new school. However, when she shares her feelings, she learns that everyone feels shy sometimes... Zobraziť viac
Comprehensive and beautiful volume of Greek Myths, including maps, glossary and every story you can think of! This comprehensive volume of Greek Myths is perfect for a family bookshelf, containing all of the best known myths, told in a detailed and... Zobraziť viac
Discover our planet's precious coral reefs. Peep through holes and under flaps to discover the wonders of a coral reef. Find teeny-tiny camouflaged seahorses, an octopus in its den, and a wealth of other creatures that live on the reef... Zobraziť viac