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Knihy autora Ashley Ward

Našli sme 3 titulov

The Social Lives of Animals

The Social Lives of Animals

Ashley Ward, Profile Books (2022)
How Co-Operation Conquered the Natural World

Some animal societies hold a mirror up to the human world: elephants hold funerals for departed family members. Pinyon jays run collective creches. Rats will go out of their way to help a cold, wet stranger... Zobraziť viac

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The Social Lives of Animals

The Social Lives of Animals

Ashley Ward, Profile Books (2023)
How Co-operation Conquered the Natural World

Some animal societies hold a mirror up to the human world: elephants hold funerals for departed family members. Pinyon jays run collective creches. Rats will go out of their way to help a cold, wet stranger... Zobraziť viac

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Ashley Ward, Profile Books (2023)
A New Story of our Senses

Our senses are at the heart of how we navigate the world. They help us recognise the expressions on a loved one's face, know whether fruit is ripe by its smell, or even sense a storm approaching through... Zobraziť viac

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