Bohumil Hrabal (1914–97) has been ranked with Jaroslav Hašek, Karel Čapek, and Milan Kundera as among the greatest twentieth-century Czech writers. Hrabal's fiction blends tragedy with humor and explores the anguish of intellectuals and... Zobraziť viac
Soubor Rukověť pábitelského učně obsahuje povídkovou tvorbu Bohumila Hrabala ze 70. let 20. století. Vesměs jde o texty psané v Kersku a Kerskem inspirované. Část povídek vyšla na jaře 1978 v nakladatelství Československý spisovatel... Zobraziť viac
A classic of postwar literature, a small masterpiece of humour, humanity and heroism from one of the best Czech writers. For gauche young apprentice Milos Hrma, ... Zobraziť viac
Enter the gas-lit streets of post-war Prague, the steelworks run by singed men, the covered market that smells of new-born babes, the cacophonous open-air dance hall. Mr Kafka is avoiding his landlady’s blueberry wine breath... Zobraziť viac
This book contains an introduction by Adam Thirlwell. Sparkling with comic genius and narrative exuberance, "I Served the King of England" is a story of how the unbelievable came true. Its remarkable hero, Ditie, is a hotel waiter who rises ... Zobraziť viac
In the autumn of 1965, Bohumil Hrabal bought a weekend cottage in the countryside east of Prague. There, until his death, he tended to an ever-growing, unruly community of cats... Zobraziť viac
Rake, drunkard, aesthete, gossip, raconteur extraordinaire: the narrator of Bohumil Hrabal's rambling, rambunctious masterpiece Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age is all these and more. Speaking to a group of sunbathing women who remind him of lovers Zobraziť viac
Překlad románu-interview Kličky na kapesníku je svébytným "úvodem" do světa a díla Bohumila Hrabala pro anglojazyčné čtenáře. Britský bohemista a překladatel David Short text doplnil základními vysvětlivkami k českým... Zobraziť viac
Překlad románu - interview Kličky na kapesníku je svébytným "úvodem" do světa a díla Bohumila Hrabala pro anglojazyčné čtenáře. Britský bohemista a překladatel David Short text doplnil základními vysvětlivkami k českým kulturně... Zobraziť viac
This ebullient, gallivanting novel encapsulates the world vision of the Czech Republic's best-loved author in one tumbling, breathtaking sentence. Saints and sinners, emperors and embezzlers, barmaids and balalaikas all play their part in the bawdy... Zobraziť viac
'Folks, life is beautiful! Bring on the drinks, I'm sticking around till I'm ninety! Do you hear?'... Zobraziť viac
In a quiet town where not much happens, Maryska, the flamboyant brewer's wife, stands out. She cuts her skirt short so that she can ride her bicycle, her golden hair flying out behind her... Zobraziť viac
By the writer Milan Kundera called Czechoslovakia's greatest contemporary writer comes a novel (now in English for the first time) peopled with eccentric, unforgettable inhabitants of a home for the elderly who reminisce about their lives and their changi Zobraziť viac
Překlad raných próz Bohumila Hrabala vychází z prvního svazku Hrabalových spisů, nazvaného Křehký dluh. V těchto existenciálně laděných experimentujících textech se poprvé setkáváme se zásadními postavami jeho tvorby, například... Zobraziť viac
Soubor Rukověť pábitelského učně obsahuje povídkovou tvorbu Bohumila Hrabala ze 70. let 20. století, které byly psané v Kersku a Kerskem inspirované. Část povídek vyšla na jaře 1978 v nakladatelství Československý spisovatel pod ... Zobraziť viac
The story of Milos Hrma, a gauche young Candide of the occupied countries, apprentice in a small railway station in Bohemia... Zobraziť viac
From the flamboyant and unpredictable Maryska, who scandalises the town when she cuts short her golden tresses, to the eccentric Uncle Pepin, who always has to have a ready supply of furniture to smash when he`s angry, Buhumil Hrabal creates a range of... Zobraziť viac
This book contains an introduction by Adam Thirlwell. Sparkling with comic genius and narrative exuberance, "I Served the King of England" is a story of how the unbelievable came true. Its remarkable hero, Ditie, is a hotel waiter who rises ... Zobraziť viac
Sparkling with comic genius and narrative exuberance, I Served the King of England is a story of how the unbelievable came... Zobraziť viac
His boss calls him a beer-soaked idiot, but Hant´a is able to quote the Talmud, Hegel, Kant and Lao-tzu. In his 35 years as... Zobraziť viac