Čekej na smrt a modli se, ať je rychlá. Popravený vrah ožívá a pokračuje ve svém zrůdném díle. Nebo se jeho odkazu chopil... Zobraziť viac
Detektivové Robert Hunter a Carlos Garcia stojí před dalším temným případem. Tentokrát jim chorá mysl sériového vraha předkládá s každou obětí hádanku: Jaký vzkaz se skrývá v obludném uměleckém díle, zanechaném na místě činu?r Zobraziť viac
A freak accident in rural Wyoming leads the Sheriff's Department to arrest a man for a possible double homicide, but further investigations suggest a much more horrifying discovery - a serial killer who has been kidnapping... Zobraziť viac
When an unidentified female body is discovered laid out on a slab in an abandoned butcher's shop, the cause of death is unclear. Her body bears no marks; except for the fact that her lips have been carefully stitched shut... Zobraziť viac
Roberta Huntera a jeho parťáka Carlose Garciu čeká vyšetřování případu dvacetileté ženy, jejíž mrvolu údajně našel náhodný kolemjdoucí na trávníku poblíž losangeleského letiště. Oba detektivy z útvaru ultranásilných zločinů přivolali na místo činu nejen.. Zobraziť viac
Když detektivu Robertu Hunterovi ze Speciální sekce vražd losangeleské policie zavolá anonym, aby se podíval na jednu webovou stránku, vypadá to jako podivný žert. Jenže online vysílaný přenos, určený jen Hunterovým očím, zachycuje pop Zobraziť viac
A serial killer who will stop at nothing… Zobraziť viac
A student nurse has the shock of her life when she discovers her patient, prosecutor Derek Nicholson, brutally murdered in his bed. The act seems senseless - Nicholson was terminally ill with only weeks to live... Zobraziť viac
Inside a Los Angeles church, on the altar steps, lies the blood-soaked body of a priest. Later, the forensic team discover that, on the victim's chest, the figure 3 has been scrawled in blood... Zobraziť viac
When an unidentified female body is discovered laid out on a slab in an abandoned butcher's shop, the cause of death is unclear. Her body bears no marks; except for the fact that her lips have been carefully stitched shut... Zobraziť viac
Simon & Schuster UK: THE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER Be careful before answering your next call. It could be the... Zobraziť viac
A student nurse has the shock of her life when she discovers her patient, prosecutor Derek Nicholson, brutally murdered in his bed. The act seems senseless - Nicholson was terminally ill with only weeks to live... Zobraziť viac
After a tough week, Tanya Kaitlin is looking forward to a relaxing night in, but as she steps out of her shower, she hears... Zobraziť viac
Be careful before answering your next call. It could be the beginning of your worst nightmare. After a tough week, Tanya Kaitlin is looking forward to a relaxing night in, but as she steps out of her shower, she hears her phone ring... Zobraziť viac