David Ogilvy is well known and respected as the most successful adman of all time. His bestselling book, Ogilvy on Advertising, gives valuable advice to young hopefuls and veterans of the industry wanting to improve their success rate... Zobraziť viac
Jméno David Ogilvy zná je pár set (tisíc) lidí, ale výrobky, na které dělal reklamu znají miliony. Snad ještě nikdo... Zobraziť viac
David Ogilvy is 'The Father of Advertising' and in this new format of his seminal classic, he teaches you how to sell anything... Zobraziť viac
Legendární kniha klasika světové reklamy, proslulého zakladatele a dlouholetého šéfa jedné z nejvýznamnějších světových... Zobraziť viac
A guide which explains how to create advertising that works, how to run an agency, how to write successful copy, and what the future holds for the advertising industry. Zobraziť viac