Chit Chat je dvoudílný kurz pro 8-10ti leté děti, které začínají s angličtinou na I. stupni základní školy. Zahajuje rozvoj... Zobraziť viac
This is a new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels. Zobraziť viac
Bohato ilustrovaná učebnica anglického jazyka určená pre deti od 7 rokov Zobraziť viac
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels. New Chatterbox brings this much loved series up-to-date with brand-new content reflecting changes in teaching practice and an increase in cross-cultural... Zobraziť viac
Chatterbox is four-part beginner´s course for children learning English in primary schools. - Chatterbox makes learning easy... Zobraziť viac
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels. Zobraziť viac
This is a new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels... Zobraziť viac
A new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels. .. Zobraziť viac
Bohato ilustrovaná učebnica anglického jazyka určená pre deti od 7 rokov Zobraziť viac
This is a new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels... Zobraziť viac
This is a new edition of this ever popular course for young beginners - now available at three levels... Zobraziť viac
Original / British English: A girl sees a quiet good-looking boy on the boat to Spain. She loves his shy smile and she wants to see him again. The boy wants to be with her too, but there are problems. Can the boy and the girl get... Zobraziť viac
New Chatterbox brings this ever-popular series up-to-date with brand new content whilst retaining the same core syllabus, structure and approach that teachers love so much... Zobraziť viac
Bohato ilustrovaná učebnica anglického jazyka určená pre deti od 7 rokov Zobraziť viac
New Chatterbox, inovovaná séria veľmi obľúbených učebníc, približuje obsah súčasnosti, prináša celkom nové témy, pričom zachováva základný sylabus, štruktúru a koncepciu výuky, ktorú si učitelia veľmi obľúbili... Zobraziť viac
This title contains stimulating activities within a graded syllabus. Zobraziť viac
This title contains stimulating activities within a graded syllabus. Zobraziť viac
Bohato ilustrovaná učebnica anglického jazyka určená pre deti od 7 rokov Zobraziť viac
Original / British English: A girl sees a quiet good-looking boy on the boat to Spain. She loves his shy smile and she wants to see him again. The boy wants to be with her too, but there are problems. Can the boy and the girl get together... Zobraziť viac
New chatterbox brings this ever-popular series up-to-date with brand new content, whilst retaining the same core syllabus,... Zobraziť viac