Whatever kind of creative person you are, this thought experiment game will get you out of your comfort zone. How? It stimulates creativity through limitation. Boundaries push you to think beyond the usual solutions and send you ... Zobraziť viac
The To Don’tList―method is the opposite of what all the time management gurus want you to believe. Do less instead of more. With this project planner it has never been so easy to focus on your goals. The author used the ToDon’tList concept a lot in Zobraziť viac
Vydannya z promovystoyu nazvoyu «Ne chytayte tsyu knyzhku» navchytʹ vas planuvannyu ta dopomozhe pokrashchyty yakistʹ vashoho zhyttya... Zobraziť viac
Most of our ideas never see the light of day. Why? If you ask a creative person, the answer will always revolve around time. Don't Read This Book focuses on how to make choices about everything you do in your daily creative practice and life... Zobraziť viac
Don’t Buy This Book is the sequel to the highly successful Don’t Read This Book – Time Management for Creative People. Like its predecessor, it uses the To Don’tList method to help you make the right choices – choices that help you achieve ... Zobraziť viac