Knihy autora Doreen Virtue

Našli sme 145 titulov

Andělé lásky

Andělé lásky

Doreen Virtue, Synergie (2013)
Andělé lásky se zabývají vším, co souvisí s láskou. Dokáží pomoci neomezenému počtu lidí najednou a obrátit se na ně může...

Andělé lásky se zabývají vším, co souvisí s láskou. Dokáží pomoci neomezenému počtu lidí najednou a obrátit se na ně může kdokoliv. Tyto nádherně ilustrované karty vám umožní získat andělské vedení týkající se vašich milostných záležitostí... Zobraziť viac

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Fairy Tarot Cards

Fairy Tarot Cards

Doreen Virtue, Radleigh Valentine, Lifestyles (2015)
The fairies are nature angels who assist us all with earthly concerns, including increasing our self-confidence and belief...

The fairies are nature angels who assist us all with earthly concerns, including increasing our self-confidence in our ability to make a positive difference in this world... Zobraziť viac

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Assertiveness for Earth Angels

Assertiveness for Earth Angels

Doreen Virtue, Hay House (2013)
How to Be Loving Instead of "Too Nice"

Do people take advantage of your niceness? In this groundbreaking book, Doreen Virtue teaches Earth Angels - extremely sweet people who care more about others' happiness than their own ... Zobraziť viac

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Guardian Angel Tarot Cards

Guardian Angel Tarot Cards

Doreen Virtue, Radleigh Valentine, Hay House (2014)
A 78-Card Deck and Guidebook

The World's Gentlest and Sweetest Tarot Cards. After the successful launch of their bestselling Angel Tarot Cards, Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine knew that some people were still wary of tarot. So they created this ... Zobraziť viac

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Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards

Doreen Virtue, Hay House (2004)
Hay House UK: The powerful, wise, and loving goddesses want to help you to realize your full potential! The 44 goddess cards...

The powerful, wise, and loving goddesses want to help you to realize your full potential! The 44 goddess cards in this deck will help answer your questions and give you guidance about personal and spiritual growth... Zobraziť viac

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