Joyceovo rozloučení s romantickou láskou i s romantickými verši předznamenává moderní anglicky psanou poezii. Tato sbírka... Zobraziť viac
Dielo geniálneho írskeho autora opisuje deň Leopolda Blooma, ktorý putuje tak ako Odysseus... Zobraziť viac
A collection of modernist short stories which create a picture of the day-to-day experience of Dublin life. The author stories are rooted in the rich detail of Dublin life, portraying ordinary, often defeated lives with unflinching realism... Zobraziť viac
In this powerfully influential series of short stories, James Joyce captures uneasy souls, shabby lives and innocent minds in the dark streets and homes of his native city. In doing so... Zobraziť viac
The most extensively annotated edition available with more than 1,000 notes by Marc A. Mamigonian and John Turner. This text is based on the Egoist Press second edition of 1918. This edition contains pictures and an extensive section on... Zobraziť viac
Perhaps the greatest short story collection in the English language, James Joyce's Dubliners is both a vivid and unflinching portrait of "dear dirty Dublin" at the turn of the twentieth century and a moral history of a nation and a people ... Zobraziť viac
James Joyce's masterpiece, Ulysses, tells of the diverse events which befall Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus in Dublin on one day in June 1904. It is considered to be one of the most important works of modernist literature and was hailed as a work of... Zobraziť viac
Jeden z najznámejších románov írskeho prozaika a básnika patrí medzi klenoty svetovej prózy. Už v tomto diele s... Zobraziť viac
Jedna z nejslavnějších knih všech dob, rozsáhlý experimentální román, vychází v překrásné grafické úpravě. Zobraziť viac
'Little jets of wheezing laughter followed one another out of his convulsed body. His eyes, twinkling with cunning enjoyment, glanced at every moment towards his companion's face.' 'When he was quite sure that the narrative had ended he... Zobraziť viac
Although only 24 when he signed his first publishing contract for Dubliners, Joyce already knew its worth: to alter it in any way would 'retard the course of civilisation in Ireland'. Each of the fifteen stories offers a glimpse of the lives of... Zobraziť viac
Supreme linguistic virtuosity conjures up the dark underground worlds of sexuality and dream. Joyce undermines traditional storytelling and all official forms of English and confronts the different kinds of betrayal - cultural, political and sexual ... Zobraziť viac
In Dubliners, James Joyce takes us on an extraordinary journey with the ordinary men and women from the city of his birth. In 'Araby' a young boy struggles with everyday tasks in the face of a growing infatuation with his neighbour's sister... Zobraziť viac
WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY DR DIETER FUCHS AND JOSEPH O'CONNOR. Against the backdrop of nineteenth century Dublin, a boy becomes a man: his mind testing its powers, obsessions taking hold and loosening again, the bonds of... Zobraziť viac
Capturing a single day in the life of Dubliner Leopold Bloom, his friends Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus, his wife Molly, and a cast of supporting characters, the author pushes Celtic lyricism and vulgarity to splendid extremes. Zobraziť viac
Universally known for his groundbreaking prose - especially the monumental novel Ulysses - and its depictions of Dublin at the turn of the twentieth century, James Joyce started off as a writer of lyrical poetry... Zobraziť viac
James Joyce's first published book, which he wrote when he was still in his twenties, Dubliners is far removed from the bold experimentalism of his later work, but is essential for understanding the author's development as a writer... Zobraziť viac
In exploring everyday life and its intersections with death, this enduring collection of stories offers a naturalistic depiction of the working class in early twentieth-century Dublin. Joyce masterfully portrays frustrations and aborted desires to... Zobraziť viac
Znamenitý, miniaturní textík O kočkách a Kodani se silným, téměř anarchickým podtextem je trochu mladším sourozencem knížky Kočka a čert, doposud jediného známého Joyceova příběhu pro malé děti... Zobraziť viac
Nový překlad jedné z klíčových knih světového písemnictví 20. století. Geniální portrét Dublinu s jeho typickou atmosférou, špinavými zákoutími a podivnými postavičkami... Zobraziť viac