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Knihy autora Ken Dryden

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Scotty Bowman: Žiť pre hokej

Scotty Bowman: Žiť pre hokej

Ken Dryden, Timy Partners (2020)
Príbeh hokejovej trénerskej legendy

Kniha Kena Drydena prináša zasvätený a fundovaný obraz života a kariéry Scottyho Bowmana počnúc jeho škótskymi rodinnými koreňmi, prvými detskými kontaktmi s hokejom až po koučovanie hokejových hviezd... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.


Ken Dryden, McClelland & Stewart (2020)
A Hockey Life Like No Other

A hockey life like no other. A hockey book like no other. Scotty Bowman is recognized as the best coach in hockey history, and one of the greatest coaches in all of sports. He won more games and more Stanley Cups than anyone else. Remarkably, despite... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.



Ken Dryden, Penguin Books (2019)
A Hockey Life Like No Other

A hockey life like no other. A hockey book like no other. Scotty Bowman is recognized as the best coach in hockey history, and one of the greatest coaches in all of sports. He won more games and more Stanley Cups than anyone else. Remarkably, despite... Zobraziť viac

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