Unikátny obrazový sprievodca históriou módnej značky Prada. Milánska spoločnosť Prada bola až do roku 1978 známa svojimi luxusnými koženými výrobkami. Synonymom pre luxus sa stala až s príchodom vnučky zakladateľa... Zobraziť viac
Includes Little Book of Chanel, Little Book of Dior, Little Book of Gucci and Little Book of Prada – telling the stories of four iconic fashion houses. With images of the four houses' most timeless and celebrated designs, plus captivating text ... Zobraziť viac
Nenápadná elegance a luxus, inovativní materiály a nepřekonatelná originalita, takový je rukopis značky Prada. Bohatě ilustrovaná monografie dokumentuje její příběh od milánských výrobců koženého zboží až po celosvětové impérium... Zobraziť viac
Little Book of Prada is the pocket-sized and beautifully illustrated story of the legendary fashion house. Understated elegance and luxury, technologically advanced fabrics and sublime originality of design are all hallmarks of the House of Prada... Zobraziť viac
From perfectly tailored chic to bold statement pieces, Milan is the home of easy elegance and effortless cool. Home to countless luxury brands like Prada and Valentino, as well as their funky... Zobraziť viac
The largest collection of the stunning pocket-sized fashion books in one luxury boxset. Contains Little Book of Chanel, Little Book of Dior, Little Book of Prada, Little Book of Gucci... Zobraziť viac
Exquisitely illustrated and expertly written, this book explores the story of the brand, from its creation in 1978 by Gianni Versace to its iconic status today. Zobraziť viac
Founded in 1925, Fendi is a luxury brand rooted in elegance and experimentation... Zobraziť viac