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Knihy autora Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcottová bola americká spisovateľka. Mala tri sestry - staršiu Annu a mladšie sestry Elizabeth a May. O jej vzdelanie sa spočiatku staral najmä jej otec. Získavala tiež vedomosti od spisovateľov a vychovávateľov, ako boli Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne a Margaret Fullerová, ktorí boli rodinnými priateľmi. Jej skutočný úspech sa datuje do čias, keď sa objavila prvá časť knihy Little Women: or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy (Malé ženy) v roku 1868, poloautobiografické dielo z obdobia jej detstva, ktoré prežila so sestrami v Concorde v Massachusetts. Kapitola Good Wives z roku 1869 sledovala sestry do dospelosti a ich následných manželstiev. Little Men (Malí muži) z roku 1871, podrobne opisuje charaktery a spôsoby jej synovcov. Hoci charakter Jo v románe Malé ženy bol založený na osobnosti Louisy May Alcottovej, táto sa na rozdiel od Jo nikdy nevydala.
Našli sme 34 titulov

Malé ženy

Malé ženy (e-kniha)

Prvý raz oba diely v kompletnom vydaní! Príbeh štyroch sestier prvýkrát uzrel svetlo sveta v druhej polovici 19. storočia, a jeho obľúbenosť prekročila hranice času. Romantická Meg, neskrotná Jo, krehká Beth a rozmaznaná Amy sú... Zobraziť viac

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Malé ženy

Malé ženy (e-kniha)

Kto sú „malé ženy“? Štyri dospievajúce sestry, romantická Meg, chlapčenská Jo, utiahnutá Betsy a miláčik rodiny Amy, ktoré statočne čelia životu, smútku za otcom, ktorý bojuje v občianskej vojne, biede, odriekaniu a každodenným... Zobraziť viac

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Little Women

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott, HarperCollins (2010)
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Wouldn't it be fun if all the castles in...

Wouldn't it be fun if all the castles in the air which we make could come true and we could live in them? ... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.

Little Women

Little Women

The four March sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy - live in financial hardship in New England with their mother, while their father has been drafted to fight in the Civil War. The girls embark on a series of adventures and endure a number of unexpected... Zobraziť viac

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Little Women

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott, Penguin Books (2009)
Penguin Classics: Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie...

Penguin Classics: Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.

Little Women

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott, Penguin Books (2014)
Puffin Classics: Grown-up Meg, tomboyish Jo, timid Beth, and precocious Amy. The four March sisters couldn't be more...

Grown-up Meg, tomboyish Jo, timid Beth, and precocious Amy. The four March sisters couldn't be more different. But with their father away at war, and their mother working to support the family, they have to rely on one another. Whether they're putting... Zobraziť viac

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Little Women

Little Women

Rich or poor, we will keep together and be happy in one another. Christmas won't be the same this year for Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, as their father... Zobraziť viac

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Little Women

Little Women

How can you forge your own path in times of war, uncertainty and hardship? Meg longs for marriage; Amy wants to be a painter; Beth is content to stay at home; while Jo wants adventure and a life without limits. Four decidedly different sisters... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Dodanie môže trvať viac ako 30 dní

Little Women

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott, Pearson (2016)
Level 1 - Bk/Multi-ROM with MP3 Pack

The story of the four March sisters and their loves, problems and adventures is sometimes sad, often funny but always charming. Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women in 1868... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 9 dní.

Little Women

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott, Usborne (2006)
This is a re-telling of the beloved story by Louisa May Alcott for children learning to read. Follow the fortunes of the...

A re-telling of the beloved Louisa May-Alcott story for younger children. The inspirational story follows the fortunes of the March sisters as they struggle through the American Civil War and learn the importance of love, ... Zobraziť viac

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Little Women

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott, Silvana Sardi, Eli (2015)
"Nevšedný príbeh štyroch sestier, ktorých otec bojuje v americkej občianskej vojne. Jo, Meg, Amy a Beth sú štyri marcové...

The unmissable story of four sisters whose father is fighting in the American Civil War... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.

Little Women

Little Women

Barbara Heller, Louisa May Alcott, Chronicle Books (2021)
The Complete Novel, Featuring the Characters' Letters and Manuscripts, Written and Folded by Hand

This special edition invites fans inside the world of the March sisters. It includes the full text of LITTLE WOMEN, plus gorgeous, removable replicas of the characters' letters and other writings... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.

Good Wives

Good Wives

Good Wives is the second story about the March family. Three years on from Little Women, the March girls and their friend Laurie are young adults with their futures ahead of them. Although they all face painful trials along the way... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 7 dní.

Little Women

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott, Penguin Books (2012)
Penguin Classics: The beloved story of the March girls is a classic American novel, telling the story of four sisters:...

The beloved story of the March girls is a classic American novel, telling the story of four sisters: independent, tomboyish Jo; delicate, loving Beth; pretty, kind Meg; and precocious, beautiful Amy, the baby of the family... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 7 dní.

Little Women

Little Women - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Louisa May Alcott, Penguin Books (2020)
Penguin Readers - Level 1

Little Women is the story of a poor American family in the American Civil War. The four sisters, Beth, Jo, Meg and Amy are very different. But together they work hard and help their mother and father. Sometimes their lives are very happy, ... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.

Little Women

Little Women - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

The four March sisters - Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy - live in financial hardship in New England with their mother, while their father has been drafted to fight in the Civil War. The girls embark on a series of adventures and endure a number of unexpected... Zobraziť viac

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Little Women

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott, The Gresham Publishing (2019)
Classic Readers with Audio CD

Whether you are a student, or an English language learner, or just looking for something great to read in English, the Word Power English Readers are a new series of books with abridged, retold texts that capture the best and key elements of the novels... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Dodanie môže trvať viac ako 30 dní

Little Women

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott, Penguin Books (2017)
Puffin Classics: This new hardback edition is one of five special Puffin Classic editions created in partnership with the...

This new hardback edition is one of five special Puffin Classic editions created in partnership with the world-famous V & A Museum, with exquisite cover designs from their... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.

Little Women

Little Women

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott is a classic novel loved by adults and children alike. Come laugh and cry with the March family. Meg - the sweet-tempered one. Jo - the smart one... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.


Sisters - prečítaná (bazár kníh)

Louisa May Alcott, Vintage (2017)
Vintage Classics: Your sister might be the kindred soul who knows you best, or the most alien being in your household; she...

Your sister might be the kindred soul who knows you best, or the most alien being in your household; she might enrage you or inspire you; she might be your fiercest competitor or closest co-conspirator, but she'll always share with you a totally unique... Zobraziť viac

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