This preparatory series is designed to appeal to a wide range of learners, reflecting the broad reach of the exams themselves. The material and task types replicate the exams as far as possible... Zobraziť viac
Developed by Oxford University Press in consultation with Trinity College London, this is the first in a five-level series of exam preparation materials for Trinity's GESE (Graded Exams in Spoken English) and ISE (Integrated Skills in English) exams. .. Zobraziť viac
Je libo psí boudu? Lehátko, poličku nebo barový pult? Žádný problém. S touhle knihou to bude hračka. Práce se dřevem může být zábava. A vůbec to není tak těžké... Zobraziť viac
We all change, when you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives... Zobraziť viac
20 projects using reclaimed timber. If youve always admired experienced makers woodwork but felt too daunted to try wood as a hobby yourself, Woodworking in a Weekend will change your mind... Zobraziť viac