Tom has nothing but pranks and mischief on his mind. But luckily his good friend Huck loves adventure as much as he does. When the boys witness a murder in a graveyard, their courage is put to the test! ... Zobraziť viac
Humorná povídka o žabákovi s nadpřirozenými schopnostmi otevřela začínajícímu spisovateli Marku Twainovi, jehož pravé jméno je Samuel Lenghorn Clemens, cestu ke čtenářům. Dvojjazyčné, anglicko-české vydání s jazykovým a gramatickým komentářem pod čarou... Zobraziť viac
Wordsworth Editions Ltd: This title includes an introduction and notes by Stuart Hutchinson, University of Kent at... Zobraziť viac
Bilingvní texty. Dvojjazyčné čtení. Známé povídky Marka Twaina jsou zpracovány ojedinělým způsobem - na levé straně je... Zobraziť viac
Tom Sawyer does not like school. He does not like work, and he never wants to get out of bed in the morning. But he likes swimming and fishing, and having adventures with his friends. And he has a lot of adventures. One night, he and his friend Huck... Zobraziť viac
The Penguin English Library Edition of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 'I'm unfavorable to killin' a man as long as you can git around it; it ain't good sense, it ain't good morals. Ain't I right?' The original Great... Zobraziť viac
First published in 1876, Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer has delighted generations of readers. This volume is one of Barnes & Noble's 'Collectible Editions' classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest... Zobraziť viac
'Pale Terror Goes Him, Death and Devastation Follow!' This is from the father of American literature, four sparkling comic tales of extraordinary animals and parables subverted... Zobraziť viac
Published 2008... Zobraziť viac
Graded reading with texts adapted according to the level of knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical structures of the students... Zobraziť viac
Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera (zkrácené dvojjazyčné vydání) převyprávěné moderním jazykem, pro začínající a mírně pokročilé angličtináře. Vzpomínky z dětství byly inspirací Marka Twaina pro napsání Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera, která se odehrávají v malém... Zobraziť viac
Humorná povídka o žabákovi s nadpřirozenými schopnostmi otevřela začínajícímu spisovateli Marku Twainovi, jehož pravé jméno... Zobraziť viac
Zdokonaľte si znalosť anglického jazyka nevšedným spôsobom! Dvojjazyčné spracovanie poviedok Marka Twaina - na ľavej strane... Zobraziť viac
This delightful collection of six hardback clothbound books features many of Mark Twain's best-loved novels, including: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn... Zobraziť viac
In this witty, charming work Mark Twain retells the Garden of Eden story in the first person, presenting the separate perspectives in diary form of the legendary father and mother of the human race... Zobraziť viac
Penguin Books Ltd: Mark Twain's tale of a boy's picaresque journey down the Mississippi on a raft conveyed the voice and... Zobraziť viac
A1 Movers 600 Headwords.. Zobraziť viac
The New Oxford Progressive English Readers offer a great selection of classic novels and plays at six levels from renowned authors that have been abridged in the form of easy-to-read stories for children to enjoy... Zobraziť viac