Matematika je metóda objavovania sveta. S jej pomocou môžete veci počítať, merať, zisťovať ako je čo veľké alebo malé, ale aj riešiť najrôznejšie problémy. Ľudia používajú matematiku v každodennom živote neustále a najrôznejšími spôsobmi... Zobraziť viac
Les je úžasné místo, které je domovem pro mnoho zvířat a rostlin. Nahlédni a objevuj, kdo se to schovává v klenbě větví a listí, pozoruj, jak mrtvý strom padá v tichém zákoutí lesa, a sleduj neustálý pohyb a život jak na zemi... Zobraziť viac
Otevřete přes 86 okének na stránkách této knížky a nahlédněte do fascinujícího světa matematiky. Seznamte se s čísly, geometrickými tvary a mnohým dalším... Zobraziť viac
Les je úžasné místo, které je domovem pro mnoho zvířat a rostlin. Nahlédni a objevuj, kdo se to schovává v klenbě větví a listí, pozoruj, jak mrtvý strom padá v tichém zákoutí lesa, a sleduj neustálý pohyb a život jak na zemi... Zobraziť viac
Matematika je metóda objavovania sveta. S jej pomocou môžete veci počítať, merať, zisťovať ako je čo veľké alebo malé, ale aj riešiť najrôznejšie problémy. Ľudia používajú matematiku v každodennom živote neustále a najrôznejšími spôsobmi... Zobraziť viac
Vidkryy dlya sebe svit neymovirnykh morsʹkykh istot! ... Zobraziť viac
Vidkryyte hihant·sʹki rozkladni storinky, shchob vidkryty deyaki z naydovshykh i nayvazhchykh korabliv, koly-nebudʹ pobudovanykh, vid potuzhnykh liniynykh korabliv i arktychnykh kryholamiv do velycheznykh supertankeriv i konteynerovoziv. Dity mo Zobraziť viac
Huge fold-out pages show some of the biggest and most powerful machines ever made, from giant excavators and monster trucks to enormous ships... Zobraziť viac
Philosophy is a way of thinking about just about anything. It asks big questions, such as "how can I be good?" or "what makes something beautiful?" Using lively examples, humorous illustrations and simple thought experiments... Zobraziť viac
An enormous new book for kids to learn about the human body. Includes giant foldout pages to show the intricacy of the body. A vividly illustrated information book, featuring 4 giant fold-outs describing how different parts of the body work... Zobraziť viac
This engaging picture book for little children is full of ideas for things to see and do outdoors. Charming illustrations cover simple activities from bird watching to beachcombing while clear labels explain basic facts about the weather, ... Zobraziť viac
An inspiring book that explores the wonders of nature, with gorgeous illustrations and ingenious flaps. Look up in the trees, behind the reeds or under the ground to see what's living there, and discover how plants grow and make seeds. Zobraziť viac
Look through the trees, see under leaves and discover what's lurking behind the bushes in this beautifully illustrated flap-book. Young readers will enjoy opening the flaps to discover hidden animals and amazing facts... Zobraziť viac
Roz·hornitʹ velychezni rozkladni storinky tsiyeyi yaskravo ilyustrovanoyi knyhy, shchob diznatysya pro dyvovyzhni sposoby roboty lyudsʹkoho orhanizmu. Dosliditʹ hihant·sʹkyy skelet, diznaytesya, yak vashe sertse kachaye krov, diznaytes Zobraziť viac
Open the flaps and peer among spectacular coral shapes to see a magical world of sea creatures living in a reef. From turtles, fish and sharks to octopus, sponges and sea horses. Find out what coral is and how a reef forms, and discover the threat to all Zobraziť viac
Do fish wear pyjamas? What's the sound of an iceberg melting? How many sheep did it take to launch a Viking longship? Which is faster - a tsunami or a bullet train? Find the answers to these and many more questions... Zobraziť viac
Do fish wear pyjamas? What's the sound of an iceberg melting? How many sheep did it take to launch a Viking longship? Which is faster - a tsunami or a bullet train? Find the answers to these and many more questions... Zobraziť viac
An amazing flap book that shows just how fascinating maths can be. Colourful double page topics introduce numbers, shapes and measuring, fractions, algebra, calculus and pi, and maths in everyday life. EXACTLY 86 flaps conceal interesting... Zobraziť viac
Part of the best-selling '...for Beginners' series that brings to life the wide world of physics. Rather than explaining details about how to do physics, this book focusses on explaining what different branches of physics are about... Zobraziť viac
Become a zoo keeper for the day, and discover all the things that go on behind the scenes at a zoo. Prepare food for hundreds of animals, clean out their enclosures, take them to the zoo vet for a check up... Zobraziť viac