Inšpiratívne učenie v tomto výbere ukazuje, že skutočná cesta bojovníka sa zakladá na súcite, múdrosti, nebojácnosti a láske k prírode. Učenie čerpá z rozhovorov a rukopisov Moriheiho Ueshibu, zakladateľa populárneho ... Zobraziť viac
The real way of the warrior is based on compassion, wisdom, fearlessness, and love of nature. So taught the great Morihei Ueshiba (1883–1969), founder of the Japanese martial art of Aikido. Aikido is a disciple Ueshiba called the “Art of Peace"... Zobraziť viac
Inspirativní učení, která toto vydání obsahuje, nám ukazují, že pravá cesta bojovníka se zakládá na soucitu, moudrosti, nebojácnosti a lásce k přírodě. Tato učení jsou výtažkem z hovorů a spisů Moriheie Uešiby, zakladatele populárního japonského... Zobraziť viac
Aikido evolved from the rich martial traditions of Japan, and was developed by Morihei Ueshiba based on their profound philosophies. In this book, the author explains how Aikido is both the spirit of love and the study of that spirit... Zobraziť viac
With its message of universal harmony, the martial art of Aikido is attracting an ever-expanding number of followers all around the world. There are now 1,600,000 Aikido practitioners in 90 different countries... Zobraziť viac
Budo Techniques of Aikido by the founder of Aikido Morihei Ueshiba is where it all starts. 132 pages filled with technical, historical and philosophical information this book is an absolute must have for anyone interested in the art of Aikido... Zobraziť viac
Morihei Ueshiba is rightly known as one of the world's greatest martial artists for his creation of aikido, the synthesis of his superb technique and his profound spiritual insight into the nature of the universe... Zobraziť viac
For the first time in English, The Essence of Aikido presents the profound philosophy of Aikido in Morihei's own words, disclosing many of the arcane secrets of Aikido's aims and methods... Zobraziť viac
Aikido evolved from the rich martial traditions of Japan, and was developed by Morihei Ueshiba based on their profound philosophies. In this book, the author explains how Aikido is both the spirit of love and the study of that spirit... Zobraziť viac