Shay Goldsteinová je producentkou v seattleskom rádiu už takmer desať rokov a nevie si predstaviť inú prácu. Jediný problém pre ňu predstavuje kolega Dominic Yun, ktorý práve absolvoval štúdium žurnalistiky a je presvedčený, že vie... Zobraziť viac
Shay Goldstein has worked at her Seattle radio station for nearly a decade. But lately she's been clashing with her new colleague, Dominic Yun - who's fresh off a journalism course and convinced he knows everything about radio. When the station needs... Zobraziť viac
Shay Goldstein has worked at her Seattle radio station for nearly a decade. But lately she's been clashing with her new colleague, Dominic Yun - who's fresh off a journalism course and convinced he knows everything about radio. When the station needs... Zobraziť viac