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Knihy autora Rick Atkinson

Našli sme 3 titulov

The Guns at Last Light

The Guns at Last Light

Rick Atkinson, Little, Brown (2015)
The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945

In the first two volumes of his bestselling Liberation Trilogy, Rick Atkinson recounted how the American-led coalition fought through North Africa and Italy to the threshold of victory. Now he tells the most dramatic story of all... Zobraziť viac

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Armáda na úsvitu

Armáda na úsvitu

Rick Atkinson, BB/art (2004)
V prvním svazku pozoruhodné trilogie předkládá Rick Atkinson, držitel Pulitzerovy ceny, komplexní historii války v severní...

V prvním svazku pozoruhodné trilogie předkládá Rick Atkinson, držitel Pulitzerovy ceny, komplexní historii války v severní... Zobraziť viac

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The Guns at Last Light

The Guns at Last Light

In the first two volumes of his bestselling Liberation Trilogy, Rick Atkinson recounted how the American-led coalition fought through North Africa and Italy to the threshold of victory... Zobraziť viac

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