Najpredávanejšia kniha o tom, ako funguje moc... Zobraziť viac
Táto kniha je hlavne o psychologickom zvádzaní. Je to veľmi zvodná kniha. Už len pri jej čítaní sa vo vás začnú zobúdzať netušené schopnosti a možnosti. Zvádzanie je vrcholný prejav moci. Ten, kto mu podľahne, tak nerobí z donútenia, ale ochotne... Zobraziť viac
Tato kniha je hlavně o psychologickém svádění, aby lidé podlehli vašemu kouzlu. Je to velmi svůdná kniha. Už jen při jejím čtení ve vás začnou sílit netušené schopnosti a možnosti... Zobraziť viac
Amorální, skandální, velice cynická… a přitom nesmírně pravdivá a nejprodávanější kniha o tom, jak funguje moc... Zobraziť viac
Robert Greene, známy americký spisovateľ vo svojej knihe Majstrovstvo, ktorá sa stala v Amerike priam Bibliou úspešných, tvrdí, že v každom z nás drieme potenciál, vďaka ktorému sa môžeme stať majstrom vo svojom povolaní... Zobraziť viac
Profile Books Ltd: Sunday Times Magazine 'Invaluable manual on the use and abuse of power... indispensable and... Zobraziť viac
Profile Books Ltd: The perfect gift book for the power hungry (and who doesn't want power?) at an excellent price. The... Zobraziť viac
Robert Greene is a master guide for millions of readers, distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for seekers of power, understanding and mastery. Now he turns to the most important subject of all - understanding people's drives... Zobraziť viac
Which sort of seducer could you be: Siren? Rake? Cold Coquette? Star? Comedian? Charismatic? or Saint? This book will show you which. Charm, persuasion, the ability to create illusions: these are some of the many dazzling gifts of the Seducer, ... Zobraziť viac
Robert Greene is a master guide for millions of readers, distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for seekers of power, understanding and mastery. Now he turns to the most important subject of all - understanding people's drives... Zobraziť viac
The perfect pocketbook gift for the power-hungry - from 'the modern Machiavelli', Robert Greene, international bestselling sensation author of The 48 Laws of Power, Seduction and War. This concise version of the ... Zobraziť viac
The companion book to the bestselling Concise 48 Laws of Power, which has now sold over 125,000 copies in the UK. Amoral,... Zobraziť viac
This is the companion book to the bestselling "Concise 48 Laws of Power". Amoral, ruthless, clever and cunning, this is the essential guide to the art of seduction... Zobraziť viac
Mastery synthesizes the years of research Robert Greene conducted while writing the international bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The 33 Strategies of War, and The Art of Seduction and demonstrates that the ultimate form of power is mastery itself... Zobraziť viac
Robert Greene is a master guide for millions of readers, distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for seekers of power, understanding and mastery. Now he turns to the most important subject of all - understanding people's drives... Zobraziť viac
The ultimate hustle is to move freely between the street and corporate worlds, to find your flow and never stay locked in the same position. This is a manifesto for how to operate in the twenty-first century, ... Zobraziť viac
This mesmerizing exploration of the most subtle, elusive, and effective form of power is a masterful analysis of civilization`s greatest seducers, from Cleopatra to JFK, ... Zobraziť viac
Robert Greene is a master guide for millions of readers, distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for seekers of power, understanding and mastery... Zobraziť viac
Over the last 22 years, Robert Greene has provided insights into every aspect of being human whether that be getting what you want, understanding others' motivations, mastering your impulses, and recognizing strengths and... Zobraziť viac
From bestselling author Robert Greene comes a new guide to the strategies of war that can help us gain mastery in the modern world. Spanning world civilisations, and synthesising dozens of political, philosophical, and religious texts, ... Zobraziť viac