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New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book (SK Edition)

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book (SK Edition)

New Headway, Fourth edition Pre-Intermediate- učebnica je vynovená učebnica zo štvrtej edície New Headway so slovenskou lokalizáciu, ktorá je určená pre študentov anglického jazyka na stredných školách a jazykových kurzoch... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Elementary - Student's Book (Fourth Edition)

New Headway - Elementary - Student's Book (Fourth Edition)

Danica Gondová, John Soars, Liz Soars, Oxford University Press (2019)
SK 2019 Edition - with online DVD

Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate Maturita - Student's book (česká edice)

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate Maturita - Student's book (česká edice)

Zcela nový design a ilustrace, nové svěží texty, zajímavé materiály z autentických zdrojů. V novém vydání jsou kratší texty a poslechy a je kladen větší důraz na... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway Intermediate Maturita Student's Book with iTutor DVD-ROM

New Headway Intermediate Maturita Student's Book with iTutor DVD-ROM

General English for adults Fourth Edition A fully revised and updated edition which challenges students to make real progress at intermediate... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate Maturita - Student's book (česká edice)

Zcela nový design a ilustrace, nové svěží texty, zajímavé materiály z autentických zdrojů. V novém vydání jsou kratší texty a poslechy a je kladen větší důraz na... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Elementary - Student's book (česká edice)

John Soars, Liz Soars, Oxford University Press (2019)
4th edition ( with iTutor DVD online )

Série učebnic, která kombinuje tradiční metody s moderními technikami výuky. Čtvrté vydání oblíbeného kurzu New Headway obsahuje 100% nových textů a nahrávek, nové příklady prezentace gramatiky... Zobraziť viac

🍌 Dodanie môže trvať viac ako 30 dní
⛄️ Do Vianoc: NIE

New Headway - Intermediate Maturita - Student's book (česká edice)

New Headway - Intermediate Maturita - Student's book (česká edice)

Headway's trusted methodology combines solid grammar and practice, vocabulary development, and integrated skills with communicative role-plays and personalization. Authentic material from a variety of sources enables students to see... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook with answer key

New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook with answer key

Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Intermediate Maturita - Workbook (česká edice)

Zcela nový design a ilustrace, nové svěží texty, zajímavé materiály z autentických zdrojů. V novém vydání jsou kratší texty a poslechy a je kladen větší důraz na konverzační aktivity... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

Headway - Pre-intermediate - Student's Book

Headway - Pre-intermediate - Student's Book

Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs. Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Workbook with key (without iChecker CD-ROM)

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Workbook with key (without iChecker CD-ROM)

The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook without key

New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook without key

The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book A

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Student's Book A

The world's best-selling adult English course – a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Workbook with key

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Workbook with key

Pracovný zošit k učebnici Headway, je písaný na základe najnovších poznatkov zistených pri vyučovaní angličtiny s... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Student's book (without iTutor DVD-ROM)

New Headway - Pre-Intermediate - Student's book (without iTutor DVD-ROM)

The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, clear... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway Pre-intermediate

New Headway Pre-intermediate

John Soars, Liz Soars, Oxford University Press (2019)
4th Edition Workbook - without key

The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook with key

New Headway - Intermediate - Workbook with key

John Soars, Liz Soars, Oxford University Press (2019)
Fourth edition

The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, ... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

Headway - Elementary - Student's Book

Headway - Elementary - Student's Book

Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs. Zobraziť viac

🍌 Odosielame o 8 dní.
⛄️ Do Vianoc: NIE

New Headway - Intermediate - Student's book (without iTutor DVD-ROM)

New Headway - Intermediate - Student's book (without iTutor DVD-ROM)

The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, clear... Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO

New Headway - Beginner - Workbook with Key

New Headway - Beginner - Workbook with Key

New Headway Beginner WB Key - English Course - OXFORD - Jazyk: EN - ISBN: 01-943763-2-X - Kniha Zobraziť viac

🌴 Máme na sklade, posielame ihneď.
🎄 Do Vianoc: ÁNO