The stunning conclusion to The Joubert Family Chronicles has arrived... Zobraziť viac
A brand new collection of short stories featuring the Queen of Crime’s legendary detective Jane Marple, penned by twelve remarkable bestselling and acclaimed authors... Zobraziť viac
The Great War took much more than lives. It robbed a generation of friends, lovers and futures. In Freddie Watson's case, it took his beloved brother and, at times, his peace of mind. Unable to cope with his grief, ... Zobraziť viac
Sweeping from Paris and Chartres to the City of Tears itself – the great refugee city of Amsterdam – this is a story of one family’s fight to stay together and survive against the devastating tides of history... Zobraziť viac
A brand new collection of short stories featuring the Queen of Crime's legendary detective Jane Marple, penned by twelve remarkable bestselling and acclaimed authors... Zobraziť viac
V 16. storočí vo Francúzsku zúria náboženské vojny. Odvážna mladá žena a vášnivý prívrženec hugenotov dostanú do rúk vzácnu relikviu a vydajú sa pátrať po dávno pochovanom tajomstve na Puivertskom hrade na úpätí Pyrenejí... Zobraziť viac
Júl roku 1209: šestnásťročné dievča dostane od svojho otca zvláštnu knihu. Hovorí sa v nej o tajomstve grálu. Hoci Alais nerozumie čudesným slovám a znakom, ktoré v nej vidí, vie, že knihu musí chrániť aj za cenu svojho života... Zobraziť viac
Anotácia Všetko má niekde začiatok, len ho treba nájsť. Všetko má svoj koniec, ale niekto ho musí vybojovať. Prvé... Zobraziť viac
Following The Burning Chambers and The City of Tears, bestseller Kate Mosse returns with another sweeping historical epic about love in a time of war... Zobraziť viac
"My hope is that this book will inspire as I have been inspired. It's a love letter to the importance of history and about how, without knowing where we come from - truthfully and entirely - we cannot know who we are... Zobraziť viac
Following The Ghost Ship, bestseller Kate Mosse brings readers a sweeping novel of adventure and hardship, injustice and triumph, in the epic conclusion to The Joubert Family Chronicles... Zobraziť viac
The Great War took much more than lives. It robbed a generation of friends, lovers and futures. In Freddie Watson's case, it took his beloved brother and, at times, his peace of mind... Zobraziť viac
July 1209: in Carcassonne a 17-year-old girl is given a mysterious book by her father which he claims contains the secret of the true Grail. Although Alais cannot understand the strange words and symbols hidden within, ... Zobraziť viac
A gripping tale of mystery and adventure from the bestselling author of The Taxidermist's Daughter and Labyrinth. 1891... Zobraziť viac
Osm set let dělí od sebe hrdinky románu Labyrint, Alaïs a Alici, a přece se jejich osudy netušeně prolnuly. Obě... Zobraziť viac
When Dr Alice Tanner discovers two skeletons during an archaeological dig in southern France, she unearths a link with a horrific and brutal past... Zobraziť viac
I hear someone coming. It has happened before. I pause and listen but no longer hear anything... Zobraziť viac
Bringing sixteenth-century France vividly to life, Kate Mosse’s historical epic The Burning Chambers is a gripping story of love, betrayal, war and conspiracy. It is the first volume in the sweeping, spellbinding series, The Joubert Family Chronicles... Zobraziť viac
Mladý Angličan, jehož milovaný bratr padl ve válce, se v zoufalství vydá na cesty. Na silničce v Pyrenejích ho zastihne... Zobraziť viac
Carcasonne, rok 1942. Odvážná a energická dívka Sandrine zjistí, že ji události vtáhly do odboje proti německé okupaci. A stane se součástí odbojové organizace s krycím označením „Citadela“, složené z obyčejných žen odhodlaných nasadit všechno... Zobraziť viac