Objavte nový svet učebnice Project Explore s rôznorodými postavami a vzrušujúcimi príbehmi. Každá hodina je postavená na osvedčenej metodológii učebnice Project a jej efektívnom prístupe k vyučovaniu gramatiky a slovnej zásoby... Zobraziť viac
Discover the new world of Project Explore with colourful characters and exciting stories! Every lesson is underpinned by the familiar Project methodology and its tried and tested approach to grammar and vocabulary... Zobraziť viac
Objavte nový svet učebnice Project Explore s rôznorodými postavami a vzrušujúcimi príbehmi. Každá hodina je postavená na osvedčenej metodológii učebnice Project a jej efektívnom prístupe k vyučovaniu gramatiky a slovnej zásoby... Zobraziť viac
Drsnej brouk Zahrada strachu - Zahrada strachu - ALBATROS - Jazyk: CZ - Vazba: Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - 122 str. - ISBN: 80-00 Zobraziť viac
Explore Series je kompletný rad učebníc pre 1. - 9. ročník základnej školy, ktorý postupuje v súlade s vývojom žiakov, a poskytuje tak primeranú úroveň obtiažnosti a podpory pre každú etapu základného vzdelávania... Zobraziť viac
A six-level course that gives children more vocabulary, more reading, and more lessons than other primary courses. Your pupils will definitely learn more! Zobraziť viac
Discover the new world of Project Explore with colourful characters and exciting stories. Every lesson is underpinned by the familiar Project methodology and its tried and tested approach to grammar and vocabulary... Zobraziť viac
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly structured... Zobraziť viac
Discover the new world of Project Explore with colourful characters and exciting stories. Every lesson is underpinned by the familiar Project methodology and its tried and tested approach to grammar and vocabulary... Zobraziť viac
A six-level course that gives children more vocabulary, more reading, and more lessons than other primary courses. Your pupils will definitely learn more! Zobraziť viac
Discover the new world of Project Explore with colourful characters and exciting stories. Every lesson is underpinned by the familiar Project methodology and its tried and tested approach to grammar and vocabulary... Zobraziť viac
Discover the new world of Project Explore with colourful characters and exciting stories. Every lesson is underpinned by the familiar Project methodology and its tried and tested approach to grammar and vocabulary... Zobraziť viac
A six-level course that gives children more vocabulary, more reading, and more lessons than other primary courses. Your pupils will definitely learn more! Zobraziť viac
Explore Series je kompletný rad učebníc pre 1. - 9. ročník základnej školy, ktorý postupuje v súlade s vývojom žiakov, a poskytuje tak primeranú úroveň obtiažnosti a podpory pre každú etapu základného vzdelávania... Zobraziť viac
Discover the new world of Project Explore with colourful characters and exciting stories. Every lesson is underpinned by the familiar Project methodology and its tried and tested approach to grammar and vocabulary... Zobraziť viac
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly structured... Zobraziť viac
Discover the new world of Project Explore with colourful characters and exciting stories. Every lesson is underpinned by the familiar Project methodology and its tried and tested approach to grammar and vocabulary... Zobraziť viac
Project Explore is a five-level course which combines the tried and trusted Project methodology and structure with 100% brand-new content from a new author team. Take a look inside and you'll find clearly... Zobraziť viac
Pre deti vo veku 6-10 rokov • Dôraz na výučbu jazyka pomocou príbehov, piesní, vytvárania hodnotovej orientácie a využitia medzipredmetových vzťahov. • Celou sériou sa prelína téma objavovania a skúmania jazyka a rôznych tém... Zobraziť viac