An elderly stroke victim dies without having arranged a will... Zobraziť viac
On a French golf course, a millionaire is found stabbed in the back... An urgent cry for help brings Poirot to France. But he arrives too late to save his client, whose brutally stabbed body now lies face downwards in a shallow grave on a golf course... Zobraziť viac
Die junge Anne Beddingfield sucht in London das Abenteuer. Anders als gedacht kommt es zu ihr, als vor ihren Augen ein Mann auf die Schienen der U-Bahn fällt und einen tödlichen Stromschlag erleidet... Zobraziť viac
Agatha Christie's most daring crime mystery, now presented as a sumptuous hardback Special Edition... Zobraziť viac
Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, yet there were five other suspects... Zobraziť viac
It’s 19 December 1931. Hercule Poirot and Inspector Edward Catchpool are called to investigate the murder of a man in the apparent safe haven of a Norfolk hospital ward... Zobraziť viac
While playing an erratic round of golf, Bobby Jones slices his ball over the edge of a cliff. His ball is lost, but on the rocks below he finds the crumpled body of a dying man... Zobraziť viac
Agatha Christie’s legendary sleuth, Jane Marple, returns to solve twelve baffling cases in this brand-new collection, penned by a host of acclaimed authors skilled in the fine art of mystery and murder... Zobraziť viac
Now with a beautiful new series look, Christies classic mystery in which a murder is announced in a small-town newspaper advertisementand Miss Marple must unravel the fiendish puzzle when a crime does indeed occur... Zobraziť viac
Now with a beautiful new series look, the bizarre death of a financial tycoon has Miss Marple investigating a very odd case of crime by rhyme... Zobraziť viac
Davnya podruha prosytʹ mis Marpl pro dopomohu. Vona vpevnena, shcho yiyi sestri, Kerri Luyizi, zahrozhuye nebezpeka, shchopravda, ne mozhe poyasnyty yaka same. Tozh mis Marpl pryyizhdzhaye v mayetok Stonigeyt·s, yakyy cholovik Kerri Luyizy peretvoryv Zobraziť viac
Kradizhka ta poodynoki vypadky kleptomaniyi - zdavalosya b, ne nadto seryozna sprava, aby neyu zaymavsya vidomyy detektyv. Potsupleni rechi, na pershyy pohlyad, niyak ne povʺyazani mizh soboyu ta ne nesutʹ zhodnoyi tsinnosti, khiba okrim diamant Zobraziť viac
When Poirot receives a cryptic letter from an already-deceased old woman, it`s only a matter of time before he decides to investigate. While the woman`s death looked natural to all, Poirot stubbornly believes it to be murder. But who had the motive...... Zobraziť viac
Detektívny román Sittafordská záhada z roku 1931, ktorý vychádza v novom vydaní, sa v čase svojho vzniku stretol s nadšeným ohlasom čitateľov. Ocenila ho i literárna kritika, ktorá ho prirovnala k majstrovskému dielu legendárnej autorky ... Zobraziť viac
The new-look series of Miss Marple books for the 21st century... Zobraziť viac
Na prestížnej dievčenskej škole Meadowbank dôjde k záhadnej vražde neobľúbenej učiteľky telesnej výchovy. A keď vzápätí vrah udrie znovu, vystrašená študentka Julia Upjohnová požiada o pomoc Hercula Poirota. Odhalila totiž čosi znepokojujúce a obáva sa... Zobraziť viac
Impeccable service. Luxurious rooms. Eccentric guests. There are worse places for Canon Pennyfather to find himself stranded than Bertram’s Hotel... Zobraziť viac
Detektivním příběhem Nakonec přijde smrt z roku 1944 dokázala královna zločinu Agatha Christie překvapit, třebaže za sebou už měla téměř čtvrt století úspěšné tvůrčí činnosti příběh o rafinovaném zločinu totiž zasadila... Zobraziť viac